


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.资生堂 S.T.Dupont 都彭 Shiseido 资生堂 Stuart Weitzman 斯图尔特·韦茨曼 ...

2.资生堂-东京柜 strongo 水贝儿 shiseido 资生堂东京柜 shiseido 资生堂国际柜 ...

3.资生堂国际柜 shiseido 资生堂东京柜 shiseido 资生堂国际柜 cledepea:ubeaute 肌肤之钥 ...

4.日本资生堂 SANA/ 日本珊娜 Shiseido/ 日本资生堂 Shu-uemura/ 日本植村秀 ...

5.资生堂开架 Shiseido 资生堂国际线 Shiseido 资生堂开架 Solone 慕斯眼线笔 ...

6.资生堂集团 EMU Austrapa Stinger 中靴 – 栗色 SHISEIDO 资生堂时尚色绘 尚质蜜粉(18G) HERLS 冬季潮流 摇滚铆钉雪靴-个 …

8.资生堂系列 SHU UEMURA 植村秀 SHISEIDO 资生堂系列 Sulwhasoo 雪花秀 ...


1.Created by Japanese beauty brand Shiseido, the simulator allows users to virtually apply make-up to eyes, pps and cheeks.“魔镜”由日本化妆品牌资生堂推出,使用者可以利用它模拟出眼影、唇彩、腮红等化妆品的效果。

2." We are thinking about a totally different world , with a totally different taste and image from the Shiseido brand , " says Mr Harada .“我们正在捉摸一个截然不同的世界,与资生堂品牌的品位和形象截然不同,”原田康彦如是说。

3.The challenge Shiseido faces is to develop a global brand that will appeal to a broader consumer base.资生堂面临的挑战是:开发出一个能够吸引更广泛客户群体的全球品牌。

4.Developed by cosmetic giant Shiseido, the fragrance has a beautiful white magnopa petal on its cover in homage to the city's flower.这瓶香水的瓶盖上有一朵美丽的白玉兰,而白玉兰正是上海市的市花。

5.In Russia, after Shiseido set up its own subsidiary that covers Moscow and St Petersburg, sales doubled, Mr Harada said.原田康彦表示,在俄罗斯,当资生堂设立了覆盖莫斯科和圣彼得堡的子公司后,销售额增长了一倍。

6."Beginning with China, the middle class will rapidly grow in Asia, " says Yasuhiko Harada, a senior Shiseido executive.“从中国开始,亚洲的中产阶层将迅速增加,”资生堂高管原田康彦(YasuhikoHarada)表示。

7.Coinciding with formation of the club, Shiseido issued a fashion periodical, HANATSUBAKI (Camelpa).为配合该会的成立,资生堂同时发行潮流杂志HANATSUBAKI(花椿)。

8.This was given to me by the chairman of Shiseido.这是资生堂的董事长给我的图表。

9.But outside Japan, Shiseido is a relatively niche brand, favoured more by well-heeled consumers.但在日本以外地区,资生堂是一个相对小众的品牌,更受那些富裕讲究的消费者的喜爱。

10.Shiseido set up a research and development center in Beijing in 2002, and expanded those operations last November.资生堂2002年在北京建立了一个研发中心,并在去年11月扩建。