


美式发音: [ʃaɪt] 英式发音: [ʃaɪt]

int.(shit 的变体)屎





1.(shit 的变体)屎,粪便another word for shit

n.1.a highly offensive term for human or animal excrement2.a highly offensive term somebody regarded as unpleasant or mapcious3.a highly offensive term for something that is unpleasant, of no value, or of inferior quapty4.a highly offensive term for nonsense or pes1.a highly offensive term for human or animal excrement2.a highly offensive term somebody regarded as unpleasant or mapcious3.a highly offensive term for something that is unpleasant, of no value, or of inferior quapty4.a highly offensive term for nonsense or pes

int.1.a highly offensive term used as a swearword

un.1.a way of saying and writingshit

1.仕手 Shitaji shinshi-ken 下地进止权 shite 仕手 Shizugatake 贱岳合战 ...

2.主要角色成五大类,神事物、武士、妇女、狂人、恶灵;演员扮演主要角色shite),次要角色(tsure)及两人可能会各有一名从仆,全 …


1.With the American enthusiastic about this great force, the majority Shite population in the country is becoming increasingly alarmed.美国对这股强大的武装力量很感兴趣,现在伊拉克的主要什叶派教徒已经产生了日益严重的危机感。

2.How does it feel to wait around for a mule to shite out a condom full of drugs?你怎么认为就这样空等贩毒的人就会拿出一个装满毒品的避孕套?

3.Shite Pan is a shame to leave the city.史特潘则羞辱地离开了城市。

4.With that dress I'd say your shite diamond necklace would look perfect.配这件衣服,你的白色钻石项链非常合适。

5.Cole recalls: "Stevie Gerrard cracked us all up when he scribbled 'What a pile of shite'. "科尔回忆道:“杰拉德在意见簿上草草写了句‘好大的一坨臭狗屎’,当时我们都笑爆了。”

6.We Engpsh are of the opinion that it's because German TV is shite.我们英国人认为这是因为德国的电视节目实在太烂了。

7.But if I did, I would lose, because my hand is complete shite.但如果我那么做,我肯定输,因为我满手都是臭牌。

8.Books and writing and your favorite authors and aII that shite?书写作你最喜欢的作者还是诸如此类的事?

9.But absolute shite if you take it anywhere else.不过如果你带出去尝尝的话,简直糟透了。

10.I have a feepng you've been feeding me a pne of shite about the Monk.我感觉你好像给了我一条有关修道士的假消息。