


美式发音: [ʃɔrn] 英式发音: [ʃɔː(r)n]







v.1.The past participle of shear

1.修剪 shoreward 朝向陆地 shorn 修剪 short bill 短期票据 ...

2.杨淑玲 ‧张佳纹( winnierabbit) ‧杨淑玲( shorn) ‧吕贞芸( sgalover) ...

3.喇叭 ... SFree Aim / Melee Lock On 锁定目标 - 鼠标右键 W / SHorn 喇叭 - Throttle Up / Down 加油/减油 - ...


1.I seemed to be seated by the head of my great, insulted Motherland, who lay there in the dust before me, disconsolate, shorn of her glory.我好像是坐在伟大的、受到侮辱的祖国的母亲的头上,她就横卧在我前面的尘土里,因她那以往的荣誉被剥夺了而黯然神伤。

2.For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.女人若不蒙着头,就该剪了头发。女人若以剪发剃发为羞愧,就该蒙着头。

3.A stylist shaped my hair into a retro look: shorn to the width of a nickel on the sides, parted far to the side on top.一个发型师给我弄了个复古的造型:边上修剪出有一个硬币的宽度,与头顶隔开不少。

4.And yet by the end of the 1950s, West Germany was once again one of the world's leading economies, albeit shorn of its imperial ambitions.但是在1950年末,虽然帝国野心得到消弱,西德还是一次又一次位列世界主要经济体。

5.Like the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Anath hung the shorn penises of her victims on her goatskin apron or aegis.像蛇女神那样,安纳斯把她的受害者的阴茎挂在她山羊皮做的围裙或羊皮盾上。

6.Most visibly, his once- famous shaggy locks have been shorn to a tight cut, and his facial hair has been trimmed into a thin goatee.最直观地,他那曾经用以张扬个性的长发现在剪短了,他浓密的胡子现在也只留成山羊胡。

7.Using his bones and computer modeling, they have come up with an image of a thick-set man with closely-shorn white hair.专家们利用巴赫的颅骨和计算机建模技术合成出了他的新形象。从新形象可以看出,巴赫体格健壮,留着一头短短的白发。

8.He thought we would be taken in, but on the contrary, it was he who got shorn.他本以为我们会上当,可是吃大亏的反而是他。

9.In 2007 it was chopped up and repackaged as the Lisbon treaty, shorn of fancy bits like the anthem.2007年,欧盟宪法被肢解并重新打包,成了如今的里斯本条约,去除了异想天开的部分如欧盟盟歌等。

10.The company's managers worry that shorn of its network, the firm would lose its competitive edge.公司的经理人担心公司的网络被剥夺后会失去竞争优势。