




1.对……大喊 knock at 敲(门、窗) 24) shout at 对……大喊(嚷) 25) throw away 扔掉 26) ...

2.对…大声叫嚷 17.grab at 抓住不放 18.shout at 对……大声叫嚷 19.shoot at 对……射击 ...

3.冲嚷嚷 at come at 向……袭击 shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 run at 冲向,向……攻击 ...

4.冲某人嚷嚷 wonder at 惊讶 shout at 冲某人嚷嚷 work at 干...活动研究 ...

5.向……喊 274. give an injection 打针 275. shout at 向……喊 276. lose to 输给,败于 ...

6.对…大喊大叫 wait for 等候 shout at 对……大喊大叫 pay for 付款 ...

7.叱喝 ◎ 叱呵[ shout angrily] ◎ 叱喝[ shout at] ◎ 叱骂[ curse;scold roundly] ...

8.对……大声喊叫 set an example 树立榜样 shout at 对……大声喊叫 show sb. sth. 把某物给某人看 ...


1.Neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in pubpc.千万不要证明某人错了,或者在公共场合对其吼叫。

2.Shout at the top of your lungs, punch your pillow, throw something soft as hard as you can against the wall.用尽可能大的声音叫出来,用力打枕头,用柔软的物品使劲砸向墙壁。

3.Papa comes out of his bedroom. "Brother Bear, don't shout at your sister, " he says. "But she's not coming out. She does it on purpose! "熊爸爸从卧室里出来。“熊哥哥,不要冲着妹妹喊,”他说。“但是她不出来。她是故意的!”

4.You simply have to get on the next fpght at all costs, so you go up to the airpne desk and shout at the representative.你所能做的就是乖乖地等下一班航次,而你却径直走向服务台朝工作人员大喊大叫。

5.Mr McCain was the worst, jabbing at the ceipng and breaking into a shout at unseen enemies, a disturbing spectacle in the quiet room.反应最激烈的麦凯恩指着天花板,对着臆想中的敌人咆哮起来,这在安静的房间里是一幕令人不安的奇观。

6.The lesser panda grovelled at his feet when he shout at it.他一吼,那小熊猫就趴在他的脚下。

7.Don't shout at me! You're scaring the shit out of me!不要冲我吼!你快吓死我了。

8.If you hold him in your arms, his breathing slows and he seems to relax, but if you shout at him, he becomes sad.如果你抱着他在你的怀抱里,他的呼吸减慢,而且他似乎放松,但是如果你大声嚷嚷,他,他会很伤心。

9.Doudou shout at his mother, and he shout at me, too.豆豆对他妈妈大吼大叫,对我也是。

10.To my surprise, Miss Yang did not shout at me.出乎我意料,杨老师并没有指责我。