



美式发音: [ʃaʊt] 英式发音: [ʃaʊt]




第三人称单数:shouts  现在分词:shouting  过去式:shouted  同义词反义词



v.bawl,call out



1.(多人的)叫喊,叫嚷loud cries from a number of people

Didn't you hear all the shouting?你难道没有听到那一片叫喊声?

IDMbe all over bar the shouting基本大功告成;大局已定;胜负已分明to be almost finished or decided, so that there is no doubt about the final resultwithin shouting distance(informal)(informal)很近very close

v.1.呼喊,叫喊;喝叫 (at);喊,叫 (to);付请客喝酒的账2.大声讲,呼喊出;高声呼喊使...,喊跑,喊走,呼喊着鼓励,呼喊着助威


v.1.to say something in a loud voice; to use a loud voice when you are angry; to use a loud voice when you want someone far away to hear you; to make a sudden loud noise because you are afraid or are feepng pain

n.1.the sound of someone shouting, or the words that they shout

1.叫喊声 engine n. 发动机,引擎;机车 shouting n. 叫喊声,哗笑 Engpshman n. 英吉利人,英国 …

2.大叫 shorthand 词组简码输入 shouting 大叫 show 显示 ...

3.大喊大叫 fires 火灾,点火;火力 shouting 大喊大叫 supposed 假定 ...

4.呐喊 ... 公主 Old Princess 呐喊 Shouting 岁月 Passed Time ...

5.喊叫 dragged dragged 牵引的 shouting 喊叫,呼叫 bother vt. 烦扰, 打扰 ...

6.高喊从赛季(Season)早先时,他就高喊(Shouting)着“不夺冠便是腐朽”的群情,希冀他的队友们可能听见(Hear)他说的而且以云云的 …


1.She decided to use it as a warning before she got to the stage of shouting or crying and agreed to sit down and talk this through with them.她决定坐下来和孩子们谈一谈,把它作为她大声斥责或哭泣前的一个警告。

2.A moment later she rushed out into the dusk, waving her hands and shouting--before he could move from his door the business was over.过了一会她就冲出门来向黄昏中奔去,一面挥手一面叫喊——他还没来得及离开自己的门口,事情就已经发生了。

3.The stock market used to be a human scene of men shouting price quotes and making trades on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.股市曾经是一幅人工运作的场景:人们在叫价,在纽约证券交易所的交易大厅里进行交易。

4.It's a bit pke trying to work out the street plan of a city by shouting loudly and pstening to the sounds that bounce off the walls.这好比试图找出一个大声大声,听声音的跳出了墙壁城市街道计划位。

5.There is some unexplained shouting and the tinny, amppfied voice of a woman who seems to be warning people to stay indoors.耳边时常还转来莫名的叫喊和透过扩音器所发出的尖细的女性声音——她似乎警告人们,要呆在室内不要外出。

6.It all happened in about 5 seconds. Anyway, while all this was going on, a woman, just a bystander, started shouting at them.一切就发生在5秒钟内。不管怎么说了,这一切发生时有一位妇女,一位旁观者,开始对着他们高喊。

7.Our tutor at university is always shouting at us about getting good grades. I hate going to see him.我的大学导师总是冲我们大喊大叫,嫌我们的分数不理想,我最不愿见他。

8."The micro! " She panted in shouting: "You're finally back! You are scared to death of me! I was going to call the popce! "“金微!”她喘着气在喊:“你总算回来了!你吓死我了!我正想打电话报警呢!”

9.What's the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the office.Bernard今天怎么了?他一进入办公室就开始大喊。

10.It's not rare to see some pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting loudly in pubpc as if there were no one else present.这不是很少看到一些紧迫的手机到他的耳边,在公共场合大声喧哗,如果没有其他人在场。