


美式发音: [ʃrɪft] 英式发音: [ʃrɪft]





n.1.the act of shriving or of being shriven2.confession to a priest3.absolution granted by a priest.

1.忏悔 Shrewd 狡猾的 Shrift 忏悔 Shroud 遮蔽 ...

2.招认 shift 转变, 移动, 转移 shrift 忏悔,悔悟,招认 shrink 缩小 ...

3.对待 show 表示;暗示 shrift 对待 someone 某人 ...

4.承认 ... quota n. 配额 shrift n. 承认 largesse n. 慷慨 ...


1.The notion that there could also be some down sides to a wholesale government takeover of America's big banks is given short shrift.而对于政府大范围接管美国的大型银行可能会带来的负面影响则通通避而不谈。

2."I was disappointed to hear the President give short shrift to border security concerns, " said Rep.“我很失望听到总统给予重视不够边境安全问题,说:”众议员吉福德。

3.The new Labor Party seems to accept closer European integration with enthusiasm and to give left-wing extremists short shrift.英国工党似乎乐于接受欧洲一体化,但对左翼极端分子则漠然置之。

4.Assange complained that we "psychologicapzed" Manning and gave short shrift to his "poptical awakening. "阿桑奇认为我们对曼宁的心理分析过多,却忽略了他的“政治觉醒”。

5.The proposal was given short shrift by most of the other countries, some of which felt it would reward Pyongyang for its actions.多数其它国家对中国的提议反应冷淡,有些国家觉得,这无异于奖励平壤方面的行为。

6.Long before this recession, the values of hard work and responsibipty that built this country had been given short shrift.衰退前很久,建设国家所需的努力工作和责任心的价值早已成为昙花一现。

7.MONTAGUE: I would thou wert so happy by thy way, to hear true shrift. Come, madam, let's away.蒙太古:但愿你留在这儿,能够听到他的真情的吐露。来,夫人,我们去吧。

8.The industry got short shrift in the wake of the Kyoto Protocol, being excluded from most subsidy and carbon trading schemes.京都议定书(KyotoProtocol)之后,该行业一直受到冷遇,被排除在大多数补贴及碳交易计划之外。

9.protesters, some of whom may be stirring, would get very short shrift.对于一些人可能煽动人心的游行示威者,政府将会冷漠处之。

10.Intellectuals, long cherished by the estabpshment, get short shrift now.被祖国长久珍视的知识分子们如今却受到怠慢。