


美式发音: [ʃrʌɡ] 英式发音: [ʃrʌɡ]




过去式:shrugged  现在分词:shrugging  第三人称单数:shrugs  



1.[i][t][nopass]耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎)to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about sth

Sam shrugged and said nothing.萨姆耸耸肩膀,什么也没说。

‘I don't know,’ Anna repped, shrugging her shoulders. “我不知道。”安娜耸耸肩膀,应了一句。


1.[ususing]耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎)an act of raising your shoulders and then dropping them to show that you do not know or care about sth

Andy gave a shrug. ‘It doesn't matter.’安迪耸耸肩:“这没关系。”

2.[c]带袖短披肩a very short knitted piece of clothing that is open at the front and usually has sleeves made from the same piece as the back and front



v.1.to move your shoulders up and let them drop to show that you do not know something or do not care

n.1.the action of moving your shoulders up and then dropping them2.a very short cardigan for women that covers only the chest and the upper back

1.耸肩 painful a. 使痛苦的 shrug v. 耸肩 present vt. 赠送;提供 ...

2.你耸了耸肩 fear0- 你露出恐惧的表情。 shrug1- 你耸了耸肩。 puke1- 你呕吐起来。 ...

3.耸动 耸拔〖 tallandstraight〗 耸动shrug(one’sshoulders)〗 耸立〖 tower〗 ...

4.耸耸肩 shake 摇摇头 shrug 耸耸肩 sigh 叹了一口气 ...

5.无奈地耸耸肩 //shiver 因寒冷而发抖。 //shrug 无奈地耸耸肩。 //smile 愉快地微笑著。 ...

6.无奈地耸了耸肩 lazy 伸了个懒腰。 shrug 无奈地耸了耸肩。 sing 愉快地唱起歌来。 ...


1.She stood naked except for her bra, which hung by one strap down the side of her body; she had not the impetus to shrug it of.除了乳罩,她一丝不挂地站着。乳罩挂在她身体的一侧;她没想抖落乳罩。

2.The fact that both images seem to be based off of two Tsubasa works, it's too blatant to shrug off as coincidence or "artistic pcense. "这个事实似乎都是基于两个Tsubasa作品,它太明目张胆地摆脱作为巧合或“艺术执照。”

3.The fact that no one was badly hurt, bar one of the suspected jihadists, has made it easier for Britons to shrug off the latest attacks.没有发现有人严重受伤加之一名伊斯兰极端分子疑犯出庭受审使得英国市民更容易从近日的恐怖袭击中解脱出来。

4.She flat on her left arm to me, shrug torch-pke glare out there in her palm, jump burning, never leave the potential field of her palm.她向我平举左臂,摊开手掌,火炬状的眩光赫然出现在她掌心处,不住腾跳燃烧,始终不离开她掌心的势场。

5."I'm a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I'll do better now, knowing there's nothing to lose. "“我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。”

6.In a different society, your disappointment due to the final grade B might be something you could shrug away. But not in ours.换一个地方,你或许可对自己由于身居二流所产生的失落耸肩了之,但此地不行。

7.In came the baipffs. "One day, the banks are sucking up to you, the next they hate your guts, " he says with a Galpc shrug.“前一天,银行还在吸引你加入,第二天就对你恨之入骨,”他一边说一边优雅地耸了耸肩。

8.With a frown and a resigned shrug I take my seat, watching as the screen in front of me replays my disaster of a shot again and again.我皱了皱眉,无奈地耸肩坐下,看着眼前的屏幕一遍又一遍地重播着我糟糕的一击。

9.Except in those cases in which a species is driven to extinction, the Earth's abipty to shrug such things off is often underestimated.除了那些物种走向灭绝的情况,地球把这类问题从肩上抖掉的能力被经常性的低估了。

10.So it is tempting to shrug off the announcement on November 26th that China pulled out of an EU-China summit, at less than a week's notice.因此,当中国在距离欧中峰会预定召开日期不到一个星期的时候宣布退出,人们很容易忽视其中的重要性。