



美式发音: [ʃrʌɡ] 英式发音: [ʃrʌɡ]




过去式:shrugged  现在分词:shrugging  第三人称单数:shrugs  



1.[i][t][nopass]耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎)to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about sth

Sam shrugged and said nothing.萨姆耸耸肩膀,什么也没说。

‘I don't know,’ Anna repped, shrugging her shoulders. “我不知道。”安娜耸耸肩膀,应了一句。


1.[ususing]耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎)an act of raising your shoulders and then dropping them to show that you do not know or care about sth

Andy gave a shrug. ‘It doesn't matter.’安迪耸耸肩:“这没关系。”

2.[c]带袖短披肩a very short knitted piece of clothing that is open at the front and usually has sleeves made from the same piece as the back and front



v.1.to move your shoulders up and let them drop to show that you do not know something or do not care

n.1.the action of moving your shoulders up and then dropping them2.a very short cardigan for women that covers only the chest and the upper back

1.耸肩 ) darted 飞奔,投掷 ) shrugged 耸肩 ) tugged 拖,拉(一个物体) ...

2.耸耸肩 ... ) makeshift - 权宜之计 ) shrugged - 耸耸肩 ) onlooker - 旁观者 ...


1.He shrugged and walked away as he said, "Ok, we'll see what kind of acrobatics you pull off this time. "他看了我一下,笑着离开我的坐位,像是说“好吧,等着瞧你的把戏”。

2.I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.我的周末可计划的满满的(几个聚会,还有明天下午跟朋友们的足球赛),因此我耸耸肩,继续向前走。

3.On hearing this the general's head sank; he shrugged his shoulders, and flung up his hands with a choleric gesture.团长听了这些话后垂下头来,默不作声地耸耸肩膀,很激动地把两手一摊。

4.Others shrugged off the foreign citizenship as an increasing fact in a modern China still opening up to the world.也有人对名人加入外国国籍一事并不在意,他们认为这反映了中国仍在对外开放的现实。

5.Had the bank fessed up that it was reining in its lending commitments, I would have shrugged.如果银行坦言,它是在控制贷款额度,我可能会无所谓。

6.Eric noticed that although her rids showed through a dull coat, her eyes were bright and animated. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders.埃里克注意到,虽然小狗瘦骨伶仃,全身的毛没有光泽,但那双眼睛却明亮而又充满活力。

7.I shrugged, turned away, picked up my book, and went to bed, having absorbed another lesson about different cultures.我耸了耸肩,转过身,拿起书回去睡觉,心想自己又学到了一项文化差异的经验。

8.When he didn't - when the Lakers decided against giving him a contract extension by Friday's deadpne - Odom shrugged and went back to work.但是他没有——湖人决定拒绝在周五截止日之前为他提供一份续约合同——奥多姆只能耸耸肩回去继续他的工作。

9.He shrugged. "We used to find the time, " he said. "That's even mentioned in the letter. " He handed it over to me. "Take a look" .他耸耸肩,“我们过去能找到时间,”他说。“这封信里还提到了呢。”他把信递给我“看看吧。”

10.Bill didn't even bat an eye when they told him he had just won the lottery. He just shrugged and said, 'Well, I guess I can use the money.当他们告诉Bill他中了乐透的时候他眼睛都没有眨一下,他耸肩并说道:“哦,那我猜我可以用那钱了。”