


美式发音: [ʃrʌŋk] 英式发音: [ʃrʌŋk]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of shrink

1.不缩水 ... workmanship 手艺,手工 shrink-resistant | Sanforized | shrunk 不缩水 medium | medium size 中号 ...

2.收缩的 shrunk welded crank shaft 红套曲轴 shrunk 收缩的 shumac 盐肤水 ...


1.It had shrunk significantly, the cancer appeared not to have spread and she was given an excellent prognosis.肿瘤切除后,癌症没有扩散的迹象。手术后,艾玛预后良好。

2.GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out? "高盛集团:如果你被压缩到只有铅笔那么大,然后放进了搅拌机,你如何逃出来?

3.That means the surface has shrunk, too, though not so you'd notice just from gazing at it.这就意味着月球表面也收缩了。但这种变化是不能用肉眼察觉到的。

4.It is very funny to see him in the sweater, which has shrunk after washed in the hot water.翻译他穿着那件被热水洗的缩水了的毛衣很滑稽。

5.We were playing basketball in a park. I saw it by the edge of the court . It was shrunk , and there was an address attached .他说:“当时我们正在公园打篮球,我看见它在球场边上,已经瘪了,上面还带着地址”。

6.The child shrunk as she pstened - and was gone, before her humble friend looked round again.女孩子听了这话畏缩了,并且在她身份低下的朋友回过头来之前就离开了。

7.When I saw him yesterday, he said he was so shrunk up and weak he didn't know if he could last much longer.我昨天见到他时,他说他又干瘪又虚弱,不知道自己还能够活多久。

8.Consequently, I plead you all to restrain from food these few days. After we have shrunk in size, there might be a chance to escape.所以,请大家这几天忍耐不要吃东西,等我们将身躯缩小了,说不定还有逃命的机会。

9.The imitation wool "wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted pke an old man's pigtail in manchu times.那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。

10.Sure, the Kindle's potential market may have shrunk today, since the two-books-a-year folks will now choose the more versatile iPad.当然,如果一年才看两本书的家伙们选择这款多面手iPad的话,Kindle的潜在市场在今天看来已见收缩。