

shut up

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第三人称单数:shuts up  现在分词:shutting up  同义词反义词

v.let loose,open up

v.confine,imprison,cage,shut in,be quiet



na.1.to stop talking or making a noise; to make someone stop talking or making a noise2.to keep someone in a small area for a specific purpose3.to close a building so that people cannot enter or leave it4.to close a business, either permanently or at the end of the working day1.to stop talking or making a noise; to make someone stop talking or making a noise2.to keep someone in a small area for a specific purpose3.to close a building so that people cannot enter or leave it4.to close a business, either permanently or at the end of the working day

1.闭嘴 :chbei: 北 :shutup: 闭嘴 :chbian: 扁 ...

2.禁止谁在多少时间内说话 ... NameColor –( 名字颜色) Shutup –( 禁止谁在多少时间内说话) Level –( 调整你的等级到40级) ...

3.来电感应 ... 20.Massage Tones 1.0 信息铃声 23.ShutUp v1.0 来电感应 12.SmartCom1.0 智能来电(大头 …

4.住口 ... 住居〖 pve〗 住口〖 holdone’stougue;shutup;stoptalking〗 住手〖 stayone’shand;ceaseoperations;stop〗 ...

5.住嘴 住址〖 address〗 住嘴〖 holdone’stongue;stoptalking;shutup〗 住 zhù ...

6.慎言 :no: 苦恼 :shutup: 慎言 :surr: 投降 ...

7.让某人不能说话 ... 通过坐标得到此人物帐号[ whois x y] 让某人不能说话[ shutup] 观看战斗[ battlewatch] ...


1.Susan: Well, she was gloating about sleeping with you, and I just wanted to shut her up.满意的笑shutup:闭嘴是这样的,她对和你上床感到很满足。我只是想让她闭嘴。

2.But what to say, then have the pght of prevaipng circumstances, if there are no common language, then of course the only SHUT UP.但是,该说什么话,还得根据当时的情况而定,如果大家没有共同语,那当然就只有SHUTUP了。

3.Shutup Rupankar. Why should you feed poor? I will be ok to feed a poor kid. Not the poor adult. He should work and earn the bread.你给我闭嘴。为什么要给穷人饭吃?给穷孩子吃可以,给大人吃那我不干。他应当自食其力。