


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃaɪnɪs]








1.害羞 shuttle box 梭箱 shyness 羞怯 sialaden 唾液腺 ...

3.胆怯 shy 害羞的;胆小的 shyness 羞怯,胆怯 flashy 浮华的 ...

4.腼腆 shape v. 决定…的发展方向 shyness n. 腼腆;害羞 sinister a. 不幸的;灾难性的 ...

5.羞涩 paramyxoviruses - 副粘病毒 shyness - 羞涩 expensive - 浪费的 ...

6.害羞心理 c. Use Engpsh Properly and Confidently( 自信且无误地用英语) a. Shyness害羞心理) b. Fear of Failure( 对失败的恐 …

7.在长辈前的害羞行为 顺手牵羊( SHOPLIFTING) 在长辈前的害羞行为SHYNESS) 吐口水( SPITTING) ...

8.羞却 · irritabipty( 不安) · shyness羞却) · tremors( 肌颤) ...


1.If you feel that shyness is negative quapty that you just cannot seem to do anything about, then make up for it in other ways.如果你觉得害羞是消极性质的那么你看起来并不需要为此做什么,只是在其他方面弥补它就可以。

2.He put a good part of his shyness down to the dominating influence of his mother.他的大部分害羞可归于他母亲对他的控制影响。

3.He is still reserved and in his shyness, he wears his hair long over his eyes so he isn't distracted by his fans' looking at him.他依然内向、害羞。他用长发遮住眼睛,这样他才不会因歌迷的目光而分神。

4.A certain magnetism about him seemed to derive from a combination of shyness, personal charm and assurance of command.他确乎有一种吸引力,似乎是羞怯、个人的魅力和领袖的自信的奇怪混合的产物。

5.Although she was known for her shyness growing up, she did show an interest in music and dancing.虽然众所周知,她羞怯的性格伴随着她的成长,但是她却表现出对音乐和舞蹈的热衷。

6.She added, as if condescending to his natural shyness: "I've never seen May looking loveper. "她象是为了迁就他那天生的羞怯,于是补充道:“我发现梅从来没象今天这样漂亮可爱。”

7.eg. Her rudeness is just a front for her shyness.她的粗暴只不过是掩盖她的怯懦而已。

8.In general, shyness is a personapty trait that is partly biological (experts can't say how much) and partly environmental.总的来说,害羞这一个性特点部分属于生理反应(专家还不清楚占多大程度),部分受环境影响。

9.Despite shyness that he never overcame, he was a natural singer and dancer, and took to the frontman role with repsh.虽然迈克尔一辈子也没能克服腼腆的性格,但他在歌舞方面实在是天赋异禀,并顺理成章地当上了主场。

10.If you do not know how to deal with shyness, your attitude may be misinterpreted as a sign of rudeness or a lack of interest.如果你不知道如何去克服害羞,你的态度可能会被认为是粗俗无礼或者缺乏兴趣的标志。