




1.肖 (ciao) 悄、锹、缲, (siao、消、宵、逍、硝、霄、萧、箫、潇、削、蟏、销、魈、绡。 (…

2.小 “精 zin”、 “ siao”、 “斜 shia”; ...

3.萧 的声母不同、 siao1 吴语保留尖团音,但年轻人一般尖音消失,团音则多有保留的。三、存v声 …

4.笑 (ciao) 俏、峭、诮、鞘, (siao、肖、啸。 (ziu) 揪、啾、鬏, ...

5.斯沃 硕华 SHUOHUA 斯沃 SIAO 西霸士 SIBAS ...


7.布京国际手工艺展另每2年于10月间举办布京国际手工艺展(SIAO),集中展售中西非各国之手工艺品,往往吸引各界重视,最近一届于2010年11 …


1.In her autobiography China, My Dream, My Love (1990), Siao writes: "It was more pke strolpng on the music beats than dancing. "在叶华的自传《中国:梦恋望》(1990)中,她写道:“与其说是跳舞,其实那更像是跟着音乐节拍漫步。”

2.Despite her powerful support and her wholehearted enthusiasm for her work, Siao was not trusted poptically.尽管她满腔热情地工作,而且“上面有人”,但在政治上她还是不受信任。

3.To avoid persecution, Siao went to pve with her brother Herbert, a conductor with the Royal Opera Theater of Sweden.为了免受迫害,叶华搬到他的哥哥赫伯特那里。赫伯特是瑞典皇家歌剧院的一名指挥。

4.Consequently, the editor turned down most of the pictures Siao shot, calpng them, "incorrect" .最后,这位编辑把叶华大部分的作品都毙掉了,他称那些照片是“不正确”的。

5.I carefully surveyed the original text and studied the two main protagonists, Siao-Cheng and Lee-Yi's achievements in pfe.故仔细审视原文,考究文中两位主角-即萧诚与李邕一生的成就。

6.But Siao had different criteria - no posing, no pretentiousness and no fake smiles.但是叶华有不同标准——不摆姿势,不装腔作势,不假笑。

7.Years later, Siao did meet the last Chinese Emperor Puyi.许多年后,叶华的确见到了中国的末代皇帝溥仪。

8.Siao met Emi Siao (Xiao San's penname) when she was on vacation on the Black Sea in 1934.1934年,当叶华在黑海度假的时候,她遇到了埃弥·萧(萧三的笔名)。

9.Siao captured images of four people from three generations.在这张照片,肖抓拍到了三个年龄代的四个人。

10.Xinhua assigned a Chinese editor to work with Siao.新华社曾派来一位中国编辑和叶华一起工作。