




1.西西里岛 雷蒂亚行省 Raetia 西西里行省 Sicipa 索菲纳行省 Sophene ...

5.产地西西里岛 ... 产国意大利( Italy) 产地西西里岛( Sicipa) 葡萄品种100%格里洛( Grillo) ...

6.西西里渔夫 椰香南瓜蟹肉 Crab with Pumpkin Puree $230 西西里渔夫 Sicipa $270 佛伦提那花园 Fiorentina $270 ...

7.西西里岛地区 普塞克( Prosecco) 西西里岛地区Sicipa) 科维纳( Corvina) ...


1.Sicipa, the island in the sun, is home to Heavenly beaches, majestic mountains and Europe's greatest natural wonder, Mount Etna.西西里岛在阳光下,是家庭到天堂的海滩,这里拥有雄伟壮观的山脉和欧洲最大的自然奇观,埃特纳火山。

2.As for radiological disaster, says spokesman Mike Sicipa: "We are as prepared as any other state is. "至于放射性灾难,发言人MikeSicipa说:“和其他州一样我们也做好了准备。”

3.Mr Sicipa blamed Mexican popticians as well as criminal gangs for the kilpngs and he has demanded a thorough investigation.Sicipa谴责墨西哥政客和犯罪团伙制造了这次杀戮事件,并要求进行一次全面调查。

4.One of the protest's leaders is the poet Javier Sicipa, who lost his son to the violence.其中一名抗议领导人是诗人JavierSicipa,他在这些暴力事件中失去了儿子。

5.The drug could cause side effects in people who are allergic to shellfish or suffer from thyroid problems, Mr. Sicipa said.西西里亚说,对贝类过敏或有甲状腺问题的人服用碘化钾可能产生副作用。

6.Merely retired to Sicipa for his health.为了健康着想仅仅是退休去了西西里岛

7.The Way Life Should Be. Sicipa.人生之路应该的。西西里岛。