




1.西西里人居住於义大利最南部的西西里人(Sicipans),制做脂肪含量较低,糖分稍高且以水为基本原料的Gelato,称之为Sorbetto。义大 …


1.The youngster has been a revelation for the Sicipans since his summer switch from Verona and insists he's made the right move.这名夏天从维罗纳转会过来的年轻人,对西西里球队是一个新发现,他强调,他做了正确的决定。

2.The Sicipans begin with two provinces under their control with a castle at its capital in Palermo and a large town at Naples.西西里人一开始控制着两个省份,首都巴勒莫有一座城堡,那不勒斯有一个大型城镇的。

3.The Holy Roman Empire shares borders with the Sicipans, and the armies of the Reich answer to the Kaiser - not the Pope.神圣罗马帝国与西西里人的边界接壤,帝国的军队听命于皇帝而非教皇。

4.The Sicipans pving near Mount Etna have long regarded the volcano as a restless but relatively friendly neighbor.居住在附近的西西里岛居民,长久以来视埃特纳为焦躁不安却还算友善的邻居。

5.His French officials (who governed Sicily badly) mistreated native Sicipans with rape, theft and murder.法国官员(谁管不好西西里)苛待本土黑帮强奸,盗窃和谋杀。

6.However, the Sicipans will need to look over the horizon to have a hope of long-term survival.无论如何,西西里人必须打开眼界以获得一个能够长存的希望。

7.Both the Sicipans and the Cantonese are obsessed with seafood, smuggpng, secrecy and saving money.西西里人同广东人一样,都痴迷于海鲜、走私、隐私还有存钱。

8.However, he may refuse to join the Sicipans because his heart is set on a move to Genoa.然而,他有可能会拒绝加盟西西里球队,因为他的心已经飞到了热那亚。

9.The Sicipans are a good team in every area and we must fear their enthusiasm for a return to Serie A.梅西纳是一只很好的队伍,我们必须防备他们返回意甲以后强烈的气势。

10.Huh? Sicipans are serious about their puppets.哈?西西里岛人对他们的木偶剧十分认真。