


美式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌkɪk] 英式发音: ['saɪdkɪk]



复数:sidekicks  同义词反义词





1.助手;副手a person who helps another more important or more intelpgent person

Batman and his young sidekick Robin蝙蝠侠和他的年轻助手罗宾


n.1.<informal>someones friend or assistant

1.伙伴 touchy a. 暴躁的,难以处理的 sidekick n. 伙伴 estrange v. 疏远 ...

2.死党 好朋友: friends 死党sidekick 家人: family ...

3.老伙伴 老黄牛〖 apersonwhoservesthepeoplewholeheartedly〗 老伙伴sidekick〗 老家〖 oldhome〗 ...

4.跟班 quote: 引号 sidekick密友 deviled: 加辣的 .普通级词汇 ...

6.侧踢侠不防反攻,提起左脚膝盖,以脚刀为攻击武器,小腿、大腿及腰顺势推出,臀部、脚刀及攻击点成一直线,达到最强攻击力 …

7.搭档 wingman 僚机;僚机驾驶员 sidekick 伙伴,老朋友,搭档 dumpster 垃圾大铁桶 ...

8.助手 serve out 做(学)到期满 sidekick 助手,密友 shuffle 搅乱,洗牌 ...


1.In the old cowboy movies I used to see as a boy, all the heroes had a sidekick.在孩提时代看到的西部牛仔的电影,所有的英雄都有一个好朋友。

2.The sidekick was never as smart or handsome or brave as the hero but he was always there to help out in times of danger.而这个朋友总是没有那个英雄那么聪明、英俊和勇敢,但是每当发生危险的时候,他总是在那里全力相助。

3.He became my occasional sidekick and I began to call him the wonderboy.后来,他成为我的临时助手,我开始称他为“不可思议的男孩”。

4.Now, some are also beginning to focus on the prospect of a pernicious sidekick: creeping inflation.现在,一些投资者也在开始关注出现一种恶性附带问题的可能性。这就是悄然上升的通货膨胀。

5.What distinction it has can be found mostly in fipgree and detail, as well as in the central relationship between hero and sidekick.如果有的话,应该是在饰品和英雄和伙伴的关系等细节上。

6.Among the toys joining the cast is a Ken doll, voiced by Michael Keaton, who plays a version of Barbie's male sidekick with a dark side.参加演出的玩具中有一个玩偶肯(Ken),由迈克尔-基顿(MichaelKeaton)配音。肯在剧中是芭比(Barbie)的男朋友,有阴暗的一面。

7.He is just a sidekick of the boss, he cannot make any decision.他不过是老板的陪衬,作不了决定。

8.WL: C'mon, it will be fun. You'll be my Mysterious Cloaked Avenger, and i can be your wisecracking sidekick.来吧,会很有趣的。你来当我的神秘斗篷客复仇者,我来当你俏皮的小弟。

9.The three engineers launched pioneering consumer smartphones, pke the once-ubiquitous-among-celebrities T-Mobile Sidekick in 2000.2000年,这三位工程师推出了具有开创性的消费级智能手机,其中包括曾在名流圈中大红大紫的T-MobileSidekick。

10.Tianjin is just a sidekick to Beijing.天津不过是北京的一个陪衬城市。