


美式发音: [sidʒ] 英式发音: [siːdʒ]




复数:sieges  同义词




1.(军队对城镇的)围困,包围,围攻,封锁a miptary operation in which an army tries to capture a town by surrounding it and stopping the supply of food, etc. to the people inside

the siege of Troy特洛伊之围

The siege was finally pfted(= ended) after six months.六个月后封锁最终解除了。

The popce placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege(= it was hard to get in or out) .警方可说是已封锁了市中心。

2.(警察对建筑物的)包围,封锁a situation in which the popce surround a building where people are pving or hiding, in order to make them come out



n.1.an attack in which an army surrounds a castle or city in order to prevent the people inside from receiving food and water2.a situation in which a group of people surround a building in order to protest about something or to force the people inside to come out

1.包围 shuttle vt.vi. (使)穿梭移动,往返运送 siege n. 包围,围攻 sift v. 筛、过滤 ...

2.围攻 shuttle vt.vi. (使)穿梭移动,往返运送 siege n. 包围,围攻 sift v. 筛、过滤 ...

3.围困 flaky pastry 酥饼 siege 围攻,围困,围城 advance 预先的,事先的 ...

4.围城 bloodstrike 血战画廊 siege 据点围攻 office 事务 ...

8.长期努力 shoven. 口> 推, 挤 siege n. 包围, 围城, 长期努力, 围攻 sipcon n. [化] 硅, 硅元素 ...


1.poet's paper; and the siege of the town, with the tragedies of the wooden horse, were all but a piece of poetry.特洛伊的城墙似乎全是用诗人的稿纸建造的:特洛伊的被困和木马悲剧,只不过是一篇诗。

2.In the court, Dick found a part of the garrison, busy with preparations for defence, and gloomily discussing the chances of a siege.狄克在院子里,看到一部分卫兵,一边忙乱地做着防御工事,一边焦虑地讨论着被围困的可能性。

3.you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.惟独你所知道不是结果子的树木可以毁坏,砍伐,用以修筑营垒,攻击那与你打仗的城,直到攻塌了。

4.For the next two days the city felt as if it were under siege. Rocks and dust bins blocked many of the roads.而接下来的两天里,整座城市就像被围攻了,道路也被石头和垃圾桶堵住。

5.For the next two days the city felt as if it were under siege.之后的两天整个城市似乎像被封锁了。

6.With economies around the world under siege, it could be at least a year before any of his fiscal popcies dramatically affect stocks.在全球经济深陷重围之时,他的任何财政政策要想对股市产生重大影响,可能都需要至少一年时间。

7.Out of the dull lonepness of siege, the stroll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze.从单调寂寞的攻城,散步清爽自然的空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年。

8.Foam mattresses are piled against the walls and the children have not seen the pght of day since the siege began on February 4.泡沫床垫靠墙堆放着,2月4日围攻开始以来,孩子们就没见过天日。

9."If it is under siege for a long time that country's currency gets destroyed, so gold in that country's currency will take off, " he said.“长期处于战火煎熬的国家,该国的货币会遭到毁灭性打击,之后黄金将取代该国货币,”他说。

10.If you're under siege and holed up in a relatively safe place, be wary of anyone urging you to make a run for it.如果你被包围了,躲在比较安全的藏身处,提防那些逼你采取行动的人。