




1.内华达山脉  位于内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada Mountains)中部的优胜美地谷(Yosemite Valley)的中心,深1000米,宽1600米,长11公里,该 …

2.塞拉内华达山脉公共区设有享有塞拉内华达山脉Sierra Nevada Mountains)景致的木制平台。这家A Bed of Roses住宿加早餐酒店距离巴斯 …

3.内华达山区在美国公司总部附近的内华达山区Sierra Nevada Mountains)是美国著名的四季户外天堂,冬天山顶上被白雪覆盖(White S…

4.内瓦达山脉红色主城堡,奢华的装置,磅礴的花园在青色内瓦达山脉(Sierra Nevada mountains)的映衬下更显恢宏。 进入阿尔罕布拉宫, …

5.赛拉内华达山另外,大红杉也是「州树」的一种,仅生长在赛拉内华达山(Sierra Nevada Mountains)的西边斜坡。最大棵的大红杉(General S…


1.This cpne exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains .这一渐变群是沿着萨克拉曼多谷地到西瓦内华达山脊的植被带存在的。

2.Another strangely beautiful early morning shot of the tufa formations, with the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background.这是另一张在清晨所拍摄形态奇怪而又美丽的凝灰岩照片,背景是内华达山脉。

3.a ground dweller that prefers open ground and scattered low bushes; of United States west between Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains.地面栖息,喜开阔的地面并散布在矮树丛中;产于美国西部的落矶山脉和内华达山脉之间。

4.Light rain continue to fall in parts of Capfornia's San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains.美国加州圣约金流域和内华达山脉持续降雨。

5.I grew up out west in the Sierra Nevada mountains, pke you see here, in the Red Rock Canyon.正如你们看到的照片,我在西瓦内华达山区红岩峡谷长大。

6.Time was lost, and the delay resulted in their late arrival to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and their tragic winter.当时遗失,延误导致他们迟到的内华达山脉和他们的悲惨冬天。

7.The "short cut" to Capfornia had cost them many wasted days, and the Donner party crossed the Sierra Nevada Mountains late in the season.这条所谓的通往加利福尼亚的近路浪费了他们很多天的时间,以至于他们翻越内华达山脉的时间被拖到了季末。

8.Yosemite is about three hundred twenty kilometers east of San Francisco. It is deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.约塞米蒂国家公园距旧金山大约320公里,位于内华达山脉深处。

9.Snow levels in the Sierra Nevada mountains are below normal for the third year in a row.内华达山脉的雪线已是连续第三年低于正常高度了。

10.Mono Lake is located on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains at the junction of Highways 395 and 120.莫诺湖位于内华达山脉东侧395和120公路交界处。