



美式发音: [ˈsaɪtˌsiər] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪtˌsiːə(r)]



复数:sightseers  同义词反义词





n.1.a tourist who is travepng around a place and looking at interesting things2.The derivative of sightsee

1.观光客消费者对澳大利亚的认知度还不是太高,所以目标群以“舒适观光者”(sightseers)定位, 并以较一般的常规行程作主打。

4.观光杀手 我喜欢的英国片有《海上两年》、《观光杀手》(Sightseers),还有麦可法斯宾达主演的3部片︰《耻辱》、《危险疗法》及 …

5.游览者於现代的旅游理论中,已经出现了游览者sightseers)与度假者(vacationers)的区分;前者往往於一次旅游中参观各种不同 …

6.新龙旅游文、图:林逸 鸣谢:新龙旅游Sightseers)、庞洛邮轮(Compagnie du Ponant)阿克雷里 宁静小城 这趟冰岛邮轮之旅十分 …


1.The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall.而那些观光客可以参观完所有的景点并在黄昏时离开城镇。

2.Curious sightseers rolled up in their hundreds . . .数亿百计好奇的观光客蜂拥而来

3.It was such a grand view that it aroused strong emotion in us sightseers.景色如此壮观,令我们这些游客心潮澎湃。

4.We drove on past the Arc de Triomphe. A few sightseers were loitering around the remains of the Unknown Soldier.我们驶过凯旋门,几个游览者在无名英雄纪念墓附近游荡。

5.Sightseers have had their photos taken next to the grave, while the local tourist board has even psted it as an official attraction.观光客们纷纷与刻有“哈利·波特”的墓碑合影,当地旅游局甚至将墓地列为了正式旅游景点。

6.Sightseers at Singapore's newly opened Marina Barrage dam take photos of the 'organic tree' exhibit in one of six visitor galleries.新加坡新近开放的滨海堤坝,设有六个游客展厅,观光者正在其中之一的“有机树”展览中拍摄照片。

7.Visiting the city hall is free. Many local residents and sightseers from all over the world come to Toronto to visit it.市政厅免费对外开放,每天有许多当地的居民和世界各地的游客到这里参观游览。

8.The Barbie emporium appears to be suffering from a different problem, with crowds of sightseers but very few people making big purchases.芭比旗舰店似乎遇到了不一样的问题。虽然观者熙熙攘攘,但大笔采购的却寥寥无几。

9.Sightseers have been flocking to the spot on the fringes of upmarket Abbottabad, Pakistan, where the Al Qaeda leader met his end.游客正涌入巴基斯坦重镇阿伯塔巴德的郊区,基地组织头目拉登正是在这里殒命。

10.Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view.观光客可以进入位于美国瀑布谷底旁的风穴,观赏穴内奇景,可一饱眼福。