


美式发音: [ˈsaɪləns] 英式发音: ['saɪləns]





复数:silences  现在分词:silencing  过去式:silenced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.keep silence,break silence,maintain silence,observe silence

adj.+n.long silence,awkward silence,dead silence,profound silence,total silence



v.make quiet,shut up,quieten,hush,shush




1.[u]寂静;无声a complete lack of noise or sound

Their footsteps echoed in the silence.他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡着。

A scream broke the silence of the night.一声尖叫划破了寂静的夜晚。

I need absolute silence when I'm working.我工作时需要绝对的安静。

2.[c][u]沉默;缄默;默不作声a situation when nobody is speaking

an embarrassed/awkward silence难堪╱尴尬的沉默

a moment's stunned silence一时惊愕得说不出话来

I got used to his long silences.我已习惯了他半天不说话的样子。

They finished their meal in total silence .他们默不作声地吃完饭。

She lapsed into silence again.她又沉默下来。

There was a deafening silence(= one that is very noticeable) .四下里静得刺耳。

a two-minute silence in honour of those who had died为死去的人默哀两分钟

3.[u][sing]缄默;缄口不谈;拒绝回答a situation in which sb refuses to talk about sth or to answer questions

She broke her pubpc silence in a TV interview.她接受了一次电视采访,就此结束了她不在公开场合说话的状态。

The company's silence on the subject has been taken as an admission of guilt.公司在这个问题上保持沉默被当作是承认有罪。

the right to silence(= the legal right not to say anything when you are arrested)沉默权

There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening(= everyone has agreed not to discuss it) .对于发生的事情,大家一致保持缄默。

4.[u]互相不通音信的情形;无书信(或电话)联系a situation in which people do not communicate with each other by letter or telephone

The phone call came after months of silence.几个月没有音信之后,打来了一个电话。

IDMsilence is golden沉默是金it is often best not to say anythingv.

1.~ sb/sth使安静;使不说话to make sb/sth stop speaking or making a noise

She silenced him with a glare.她瞪了他一眼,他就不作声了。

Our bombs silenced the enemy's guns(= they destroyed them) .我们的轰炸把敌人的炮火打哑了。

2.~ sb/sth压制,使不再发表(反对意见)to make sb stop expressing opinions that are opposed to yours

All protest had been silenced.一切反对的声音都被压了下去。

Her recent achievements have silenced her critics.她近来取得的成果让那些批评她的人无话可说了。


1.(用以让人们安静)安静,静下来used to tell people to be quiet

Silence in court!法庭内保持肃静!




n.1网址被屏蔽plete quiet; a period of time when no one speaks2.the refusal to talk about something or to provide information3.a complete lack of communication with someone by letter, telephone, or other means

v.1.to stop someone or something from speaking or making a sound2.to prevent someone from giving an opinion or from criticizing you3.to kill someone so that they cannot give information to an enemy or someone in authority

1.沉默 Root  = 缠绕。可以阻止英雄移动的技能。 Silence  = 沉默。可以阻止英雄施放法术的技能。 /dance 跳舞 或/d ...

2.寂静 Rhyme 韵律 +20% 抵挡成功率 Silence 寂静 +200% 伤害力 Smoke 烟尘 ...

3.安静 signature n. 签名 silence n. 安静,沉默 silent a. 无声的,无对话的 ...

4.深情密码《深情密码》(Silence),是一部台湾偶像剧,共有19集,制作人柴智屏、萧定一,由台湾周渝民、韩国朴恩惠、香港许志安 …

5.静默一、静默(Silence):在任何祈祷时间或环境中,都保持安静的气氛(除了散心时间外),尤其是在这一个月的隐居中。 二、静 …

6.静音在静音Silence)方面,DW-G120A采用了VCAN型马达,对于马达产生振动进行了良好的吸收设计,结合得更紧密的顶盖, …

7.无声疼痛无声(Silence ) 失去你还有我自己(Over you)冒险吗(Risk) 别告诉她我们曾在一起 ( Hidden )传送门: http://115网址被屏蔽/file/c2rz…


1.Razing the Liuhe the Emperor's palace, was the silence of terracotta warriors guard the city, seems to be cold bronze.扫平六合的始皇帝的宫阙,被兵马俑拱卫的沉默之城,似乎是青铜色的冷光。

2.I read an account of a man who made it to the summit. And standing there at the top of the world, he experienced this profound silence.我以前看过有个登顶珠峰的人这样写道,在脚踏世界之巅的那刻,他才体会到无与伦比的寂静。

3.The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me.阿拉比这几个字在静默中向我呼唤,我的灵魂沉浸其间,被这种东方的魔力吸引。

4.The verdict will by no means silence those who recoil instinctively at the thought of two men or two women marrying.该判决绝不会让那些一想到两个男人或两个女人结婚就本能排斥的人就此沉默。

5.On this occasion, the ex-manager ate his as he went, plodding the dark streets in silence to his bed.这一次,这位前经理边走边吃,默默地拖着沉重的脚步走过夜色中的街道,回去睡觉。

6.As the play worked up to a cpmax, all the spectators held their breath and silence reigned through the hall.当那出戏逐渐达到高潮时,观众们个个屏息凝气,整个大厅鸦雀无声。

7.All that remained was a great garden of silence interrupted now and then by the sick woman's frightened moans.只剩下一片广大的寂静之园,还有病弱的女人偶尔惊恐地呻吟几声打破岑寂。

8.On being left alone with his wife, Jondrette began to pace the room again, and made the tour of it two or three times in silence.容德雷特独自和他女人待在一道,又开始在屋子里走起来,一声不响地兜了两三个圈子。

9.His Uncle sat looking at him for some time in silence.他的舅舅坐在那里默默地看了他一些时候。

10.then the television set went off . Bonnie began to cry . " Shut up , honey , " Evey said . There was a silence .接着电视给关上了。邦尼开始哭了起来。“别哭了,宝贝,”埃维说。一阵寂静。