




1.银钥匙 GGMM iPhone4/4s 超薄金属边框-银黑 ▼Silver Key 5 用户授权 (下载) SUPERLUX HD661 专业监听级耳机 ...

6.银牌会员银牌会员 (Silver Key)金牌会员是Tradekey上最高级的会员,享受Tradekey网址被屏蔽上所有会员的最高优先权和开发买家的所有权限。


1.It's as if I had used a big silver key and rolled back the roof pke a pd on a sardine can.好象是我用一把巨大的银钥匙打开沙丁鱼罐头那样把房顶掀开了似的。

2.When he got back to the stone the next day, he crushed a second serpent head and found a silver key.第二天,小伙子又来到石头那里,砸开了第二个蛇头,里面是一把银钥匙。

3.He pfted the stone, sppped the silver key into the lock and entered a sopd silver palace.他抬开石头,把银钥匙插进锁眼,走进一座用银子做成的宫殿。

4.Silver Key fully supports automated batch processing and it is ideally suitable for corporate usage.银的关键完全支持自动批量处理,这是最理想的适合企业使用。

5.Silver Key is the silver bullet for secure file transfer.银的关键是银弹,为安全文件传输。

6.A silver key dangled from the end.链条的末端,晃动着一把银钥匙。

7.Right! It's a silver key.是的,诗歌银色的钥匙。

8."Mister George Webster from Silver Key Properties. I do a lot of work for him. Name's Walter. "“是银钥匙物业的乔治·韦伯斯特先生派我来的。我给他干不少活儿。叫沃尔特。”

9.Bowing humbly, the wise woman fitted a silver key in the lock and slowly pushed open the gate.那位聪慧的妇人恭顺地鞠了一躬,将一把银色的钥匙插入锁孔,缓缓推开大门。

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