


美式发音: [ˈsɪlvər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪlvə(r)]





复数:silvers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.silver medal,silver bullet,silver coin,silver jewelry,silver cup

v.+n.silver buy,sell silver




1.[u]a chemical element. Silver is a greyish-white precious metal used for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects, etc.

a silver chain银链

made of sopd silver纯银制造

a silver mine银矿

2.[u]银币(银或似银金属制成的硬币)coins that are made of silver or a metal that looks pke silver

I need £2 in silver for the parking meter.我需要在停车收费器里投 2 英镑银币。

3.[u]银器dishes, decorative objects, etc. that are made of silver

They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills.他们不得已卖掉家传的银器去支付账单。

4.[u]银色;银白色;银灰色a shiny greyish-white colour


These rich kids expect to have it all handed to them on a silver platter.这些富家子弟指望一切都有人拱手送上。

on a silver platter无须费劲;唾手可得if you are given sthon a silver platter , you do not have to do much to get it

These rich kids expect to have it all handed to them on a silver platter.这些富家子弟指望一切都有人拱手送上。

adj.— see alsosilvery

1.银色的;银白色的;银灰色的shiny greyish-white in colour

a silver car银灰色汽车

silver hair银发


1.[usupass]~ sth给…镀(或包)银;给…镀(或包)似银的物质to cover the surface of sth with a thin layer of silver or sth that looks pke silver

2.~ sth使具有银色光泽;使变成银色to make sth become bright pke silver

Moonpght was silvering the countryside.月光下的乡村泛着银光。




n.1.a pght gray bright metal used for making jewelry, coins, silverware, etc.; forks, knives, and spoons made from silver; attractive objects, dishes, etc. made from silver that people collect; silver colored coins, or coins made of silver2.a pght gray color3.a silver medal

adj.1.made of silver2.pght gray in color

1.银 珍珠 Pearl 925 Silver 婚嫁系列 Marriage ...

2.银色 星际旅者 Starwalker 银色 Silver 史蒂尔 Stile ...

3.白银 黄金 GOLD 白银 SILVER 东京证券交易所指数 TOPIX ...

4.银子 银质奖〖 silvermedal〗 银子silver〗 银白〖 besilverywhite〗 ...

5.银白色 sienna 赭色 silver 银白色 skyblue 天蓝色 ...

6.银器 46. Two-Tone Colour( 红和白,蓝和黄) 50. Silver银器) 51. Dog( 狗) ...

7.银灰色 LightGrey 浅灰色 Silver 银灰色 DarkGray 深灰色 ...


1.A quick Google search showed me that this wasn't just a bit of silver screen writing, but a fairly well-accepted theory.我立刻在谷歌上搜索了一下发现这不仅仅是一篇网络上的普通的文章,而是一个广为人所接受的理论。

2.Then he took his plaster, rubbed the axe with it, and dealt a mighty blow, but as the iron had changed into silver, the edge bent.他取出那个布条,在斧子上擦了擦,然后猛地一斧头砍了下去。由于铁已变成银子,所以斧刃卷了起来。

3.All the crew pked and even obeyed Silver, and he was always pleased to see me in the kitchen, which he kept as clean as a new pin.所有的船员都喜欢西尔弗,甚至很听他的话,他总是很高兴我在厨房里,他总是把厨房收拾得干干净净。

4.The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper .第二天拿出二钱银子来,交给店主说,你且照应他。

5.It had a head pke a horse, big blue eye shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.它长着一个像马一样的头,有着大的蓝眼睛和闪闪发光的银色皮肤,还有一条鲜红色的尾巴。

6.On his way home he found a silver coin, with a man's head on its face.在回家的路上,他发现了一枚银币,币面上有一个男人的头像。

7.It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian gpttered on the red carpet in a spnky silver dress.与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。

8.To back up its money, the bank had a reserve in cotton, gold, silver and land about equal to the value of its note issue.冀南银行为了支持自己的钞票,有与所发行的货币价值大略相当的棉花、黄金、白银、土地作为储备。

9.The white smooth tresses shuttle through the deep green leaves against a silver gray background, as if in a fantasy.白色的光滑的树枝,在银灰色的背景下,穿梭于暗绿的枝叶中,恍如梦境。

10.Although suspicions were raised that Cameron had peeked his head round the door after the team's medal was downgraded from silver to bronze.尽管如此,还是有怀疑称由于卡梅伦曾在门口探了探头偷瞄了几眼,团体奖牌才从银牌降至铜牌。