

silver medal

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1.银质奖章;银牌a medal that is given to the person or the team that wins the second prize in a race or competition

an Olympic silver medal winner获奥运会银牌的运动员



n.1.a round flat metal object given as a prize for being second in a competition

1.银牌 Gold medal 金牌 Silver medal 银牌 Bronze medal 铜牌 ...


3.银牌奖奖章(Gold Medal),以上为一等奖;(戊)银质奖章Silver Medal),为二等奖;(己)铜质奖章(Bronze Medal),为三 …

5.大会银质奖 9、0.6L玉山三年58度高粱酒 10、0.6L x 2 大会银质奖 Silver Medal 25、 大会铜质奖 Bronze Medal …

6.银牌勳章 Vinapes Internationales 2007-Gold Medal( 金牌勳章) International Wine Challenge 2007-Silver Medal( 银牌勳章) ...

7.银章级 bronze start 铜星级 silver medal 银章级 silver start 银星级 ...


1.To further show Her his appreciation, he presented Her with a certificate and a silver medal for Her charitable activities.为了表达对她慈善活动的感激,市长送给她感谢状和银色奖章。

2.They were changed by the fact that I was able to persevere and win the silver medal even though almost everyone had counted me out.他们的看法改变了,因为我坚持不懈并且得到了银牌,虽然赛前没人看好我。

3.I was hoping for at least a silver medal, and a bronze medal was a pttle bit less than what I expected.我当时希望至少得块银牌,而不是铜牌。

4.I'm certainly happy with the silver medal and I'll practice even more to get better results in the next competitions.我当然高兴了银牌,我会实践中更加得到更好的结果在未来的比赛。

5.American speed-skater Joey Cheek - who won a gold and a silver medal at the 2006 Winter Games - is involved with a group called Team Darfur.美国速滑选手乔伊.齐克是赢得2006年冬季奥运会金牌和银牌的运动员,他参加了一个叫作达尔富尔团队的组织。

6.She earned gold medals on the balance beam and for the floor exercise and a silver medal on the uneven bars.她先在平衡木和自由体操比赛中获得两枚金牌,又在高低杠项目上增添一枚银牌。

7.A year later at Indoor Worlds, Liu outran everyone but Johnson to win the silver medal.一年之后,在多次世界室内赛中,刘翔跑赢除了约翰逊之外的所有人,获得银牌。

8.After winning this silver medal I'm even more determined to go back to my club side and finish the year on a high with Umea.获得这块银牌之后,我更有决心回到于默奥队为今年画上圆满的句号。

9.Chinese Xiangqi Dui obvious advantages, the two grandmaster swept the top two matches, Xu Yinchuan gold medal, silver medal harvest Hongzhi.中国象棋队优势明显,两位特级大师包揽了比赛的前两名,许银川获得金牌,洪智收获银牌。

10.Seven months later she earned a silver medal in cycpng to become the only athlete ever to win medals.七个月后她又取得了自行车比赛的银牌,成为奥运史上唯一一位在同一年同时获奖的运动员。