




1.相似点 ... 相思病 lovesickness ... 相似点 similar point ... 相似律 law of simiptude;principle of ... ...


1.This part of Le's talk was also the most convincing, as the rest of the assembled Chinese academics made a similar point.报告中这部分也是最令人信服的,因为许多其他中国学者也都做出相似的论断。

2.Allow just enough points to see a good distribution, but not too few that you force a lot of similar point values.它使用足够的注意力指数来确定一个恰到好处的分配,而不是分配太少以至于你需要强加上一大堆类似的价值点数。

3.JAX-RPC does not provide a similar point of configuration for headers that are created by a handler.JAX-RPC没有为由处理程序创建的消息头提供相似的配置点。

4.Another investment bank economist made a similar point to me just last week.另一个投资银行的经济学家上周刚刚向我提出了类似的观点。

5.The Chinese Press Association industry report Chairman Lu Tan Lun in an interview released a similar point of view.中国报业协会行业报委员会会长吕华麟在采访时也发表了类似的观点。

6.Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton made a similar point at an event that commemorated the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.美国国务卿希拉里克林顿纪念国际妇女节100周年的活动上发表了类似的观点。

7.Ms. Schnur, the retiree who changed her name in October, took out some old identification cards to make a similar point.Schnur女士,在10月份改名的退休员工,拿出了一些旧身份证来说明类似观点。

8.Leaders in sectors with far more clout than health are making a similar point .影响力远胜卫生部门的领导人也发表了类似的看法。

9.At a similar point in the early 1980s business cycle, annual growth was roaring ahead at 7. 1%, and employment was growing rapidly.相似的经济增速也出现在上世纪80年代早期的商业周期,全年经济以7.1%增速迅猛上升,就业率增长迅速。

10.Both Buddhism and neuroscience converge on a similar point of view: The way it feels isn't how it is.佛教和神经科学在一个问题上观点是相同的:我们所感受的并不一定是真相。