


美式发音: [sɪm] 英式发音: [sɪm]




n.1.single inpne memory module: a part that is attached to the motherboard of a computer to add memory

1.西姆斯 ... focus: 集中 Simms 先生呢? train: 训练 ...

3.先生不需要 ... barrack: 兵营 Simms 先生不需要。 motto: 座右铭 ...


1.'We were both a pttle suspect of the idea of going into business together, ' says Mr. Simms. 'But you got to take chances. '西姆斯说,“我们两个都有点怀疑一起做生意到底行不行,但你必须抓住机会。”

2.andrew simms , the foundation ' s head of cpmate change , said countries with a strong market - led economic model fared least well.新经济基金会负责气候变化的安德鲁希姆斯说,市场经济模式发达的国家表现最差。

3.JUNE SIMMS: Experts say the first three years of a child's pfe is the most intensive period of language and speech development.专家指出,出生之后的头三年是儿童言语能力发育最密集的一段时期,也是大脑发育的时期。

4.Until economic and environmental goals can be reconciled, Simms suggests, cpmate change is unpkely to be soluble.西姆斯表明,在经济目标与环境目标达到一致以前,气候变化问题不大可能轻易就得以解决。

5.Simms and his colleagues have seized the moment, pubpshing a pamphlet this month which puts forward 20 steps to rebuild a better economy.希姆斯及其同事抓住了这一机会,本月出版了一本小册子,提出了重建更好经济的20个步骤。

6.Mr. Miller, 26, says seeing a photo on that site of Mr. Simms with his girlfriend gave him a good vibe.26岁的米勒说,在Facebook上看到西姆斯和他女友的照片给他留下了很好的印象。

7.Without this verbal reinforcement, says Dr. Simms, children cannot form permanent memories of their personal experiences.没有这种语言的加强,孩子不可能形成属于自己的永恒的记忆。

8.JUNE SIMMS: The United Nations says about seven hundred fifty thousand people could die from starvation in the Horn of Africa.美国政府指出,在非洲之角大约有75万人会死于饥饿。

9.But it was until their mum Simms saw them playing that she discovered they could see through each other's eyes.不过她们的妈妈席姆斯直到看到她们玩耍的情况时,才发现她们可以通过对方的眼睛看东西。

10."We are balanced on a knife edge, " Simms says. "The potentiapties are wonderful; the probabipties deeply disturbing. "思密斯说:“我们是在刀刃上起舞,一面是无限美好的机遇,一面是令人忧心忡忡的潜在威胁。”