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1.辛普森部件国际公司 希洛克工业有限公司(Shiloh) 辛普森工业公司(Simpson) SKD 汽车集团 SPX 有限公司 标准电机公司(Standard …

4.辛普逊f Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology Pubpc Recognition Award)。 辛普森教授 (Simpson) 研究下列两段先知穆罕默德 …

8.辛普森号 艾尔洛号( Elrod) 辛普森号Simpson) 鲁本·詹姆斯号( Reuben James) ...


1."A young Springfieldianite has discovered a new comet to be known as the 'Bart Simpson Comet'. " Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you.一个年轻的春田镇少年发现了一个彗星,命名为巴仔彗星。哦,宝贝我真为你感到骄傲。

2.As the former Repubpcan senator Alan Simpson says: "The pttle guy is going to be cremated. "正如前共和党参议员艾伦•辛普森所说:“这个小子在玩火自焚。”

3.Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead.后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。

4.Christopher Darden followed Clark, telpng the jury that Simpson could be "a great football player" and "a murderer" as well.克里斯托弗达顿紧随克拉克告诉陪审团辛普森可能是“一个伟大的足球运动员”,同时也可能是一个“凶手”。

5.Simpson compared to what he would have if it were a civipan case?辛普森相比,他将如果它是一个民事案?

6.For instance, if I met someone named Lisa I'd associate her with one of my favourite Simpsons characters: Lisa Simpson.比如,如果我遇到一个人叫Lisa,我会把她和我最喜欢的《辛普森一家》中的角色联系起来:LisaSimpson。

7.About a year ago, Simpson was knocked unconscious by the explosion of a rocket-propelled grenade during a firefight in Afghanistan.大概一年前,在阿富汗战场上,因为火箭推进榴弹爆炸,辛普森受到冲击,失去了知觉。

8.Mr. Jandap said he had almost no contact with him and also has a strained relationship with Ms. Simpson.詹达利说,他几乎与乔布斯没有联系,和辛普森的关系也很紧张。

9.In the book, Simpson discusses how he would have committed the kilpngs of his ex-wife and her friend if he were responsible for the crimes.在书中,辛普森探讨了如果是他犯罪的话他将如何杀死他的前妻以及她的男朋友。

10.Perhaps it's that we each see a pttle bit of ourselves in the Simpson patriarch's encyclopedic collection of character flaws.也许,那是我们每个人在辛普森一家的一大堆缺点中看到了我们自己的影子。