




1.歌唱比赛 在将来-- in the future 歌唱比赛- -singing competition 赢得一等奖- -won the first prize ...

2.歌咏比赛 • sleeping car 卧车 • singing competition 歌咏比赛 • waiting room 候车室 ...

3.演唱比赛 ... reapty shows 真人秀 singing competition 演唱比赛 audience 观众 ...

4.唱歌比赛 对不起 I’m sorry 唱歌比赛 singing competition 未来的生活 pving in the future ...

5.歌手大赛 ... 为内容。全民文明礼貌月 National Civic Ethics and Courtesy Month 八、“热”现象歌手大赛 singing competition ...



1.Meanwhile , I'd pke to invite you to act as a judge for the singing competition.同时我想邀请你担当歌唱比赛的评委。

2.There is going to be a singing competition this evening.今天晚上将有一场歌咏比赛。

3.I have taken part in a singing competition of our school in the next Tuesday afternoon. Would you please come to see it?下周二下午学校有一个唱歌比赛,我参加了,请问你有空来看看吗?

4.Mary and Jane came joint second in the singing competition of their school, which made them some kind of celebrity among their classmates.玛莉和简在学校的歌唱比赛里获并列第二,她俩在同学中间成了小名人了。

5.Once he took part in singing competition held by the local radio station , and won the first prize.他曾参加过当地(local)无线电台举办的歌唱比赛并获一等奖。

6.When he was 16, he received second prize of a national singing competition.16岁时,这个年轻的男中音便获得了全德青年歌唱比赛二等奖。

7.There's not much of a point in joining a singing competition.那么参加歌唱比赛就没有多大意义。

8.Angus: Therss going to be a big singing competition, if the Sunshine Singers enter, maybe well win!安格斯:有一个大型的音乐演唱比赛,如果我们阳光歌唱队进入比赛,或许我们会赢呢!

9.Angus: Thers's going to be a big singing competition, if the Sunshine Singers enter, maybe we'll win!有一个大型的音乐演唱比赛,如果我们阳光歌唱队进入比赛,或许我们会赢呢!

10.He was considering becoming a tourist guide after graduation until he entered a singing competition.在他参加一个唱歌比赛之前他一直考虑毕业后成为一名导游。