

single market

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1.单一市场(由若干国家构成,成员国之间对于相互间的商品交易、货币流通及人员往来限制极少或没有限制)a group of countries that have few or no restrictions on the movement of goods, money and people between the members of the group


n.1.free trading between a group of countries, for example within the European Union

1.统一市场 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment 统一市场 single market 统一战线 united front ...

2.单一市场 ... single market : 单一市场 single market同一市场 single market : 统一大市场 ...

5.统一大市场 ... single market : 同一市场 single market统一大市场 SINGLE DRILL : 纱斜纹 ...

6.一个单一市场由于全球金融资本快速流动,世界正急速地缩小成为一个单一市场 (single market)。在现阶段,市场化 (marketization) 是全球 …


1.It would be a tragedy if the attempt to save the euro were to put the single market at risk. Germany would not want that either.拯救欧元的努力使得单一市场体系处于危险那真是悲剧,德国当然也不会想要这样的结果。

2.The euro makes it easy to compare prices across 16 countries, and the single market allows goods to move freely within the European Union.欧元的使用方便了人们在欧盟16国里轻松地比较商品价格,单一的市场为商品在欧盟区自由流动提供了便利。

3.The UK, while sceptical about certain aspects of the European project, has always been a staunch supporter of the single market.英国虽然对欧洲事务的某些方面持怀疑态度,但一直都是单一市场的坚定支持者。

4.And Greece's membership of Europe's single market makes it a more attractive proposition for foreign investors.而且希腊作为欧洲单一市场的成员,对于投资者也更有吸引力的选择。这些对希腊来说都是令其鼓舞的。

5.Its writ can trump that of national governments when the single market is thought to be at risk.当欧盟这一统一市场被认为有危险之时,委员会的权力能胜过国家政府。

6.Such a protectionist measure would "run contrary to the single market and harm British interests" , the business secretary said.曼德尔森指出,这种保护主义的措施将会“有悖于单一市场的原则,并且会损害英国的利益”。

7.Europe is now its largest single market, so it badly needs to sustain exports at a time when European demand is weak.欧洲现在是中国最大的单一市场,所以中国迫切需要在欧洲需求疲弱之际维持对欧洲的出口。

8.Some German popcymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market.一些先前对经济与货币联盟持怀疑态度的德国政策制定者则发愁,如果此次危机重复上演,将会对单一市场构成威胁。

9.A single market can go ahead without a monetary union, but a monetary union without a single market would be risky.单一市场没有货币联盟可以照行不误,但货币联盟要是没有单一市场就会步入险境。

10.In the ensuing chaos and recrimination, the survival of the EU and its single market would be in jeopardy.接踵而至的混乱以及揭丑使欧盟和它单一市场的生存陷入困境。