




1.坐牛宾·莱佛(Ben Reifel)、美洲印地安领袖「坐著的公牛」(Sitting Bull)、牛仔大赛冠军凯西·提布斯(Casey Tibbs)、以及 …

4.坐牛酋长汁(gall),疯马(crazy horse),卧坐公牛(sitting bull),脸上的雨(rain in the face),两次重击(two strike),美国马(american horse)...


7.席廷-布尔 ... 亚伯拉罕-林肯( Abraham Lincoln) 席廷-布尔Sitting Bull) 亚历山大-贝尔( Alexander G. Bell…


1.Sitting Bull's greatest fear at the end of his pfe was that he had not fought hard enough for his people and that they might revile him.“公牛”在他生命尽头时所感到的最为担心的是他没有为他的人民尽力战斗,为此他们也许会斥责他。

2.Sitting Bull later fled to Canada and was shot in a raid after he returned to the US a number of years later.后来,他逃往加拿大,并在若干年后回到美国,最终在一次袭击中被枪杀。

3.Apparently, Obama wants to be forgiven for his broken promises so he has mis-characterized Sitting Bull.很明显,奥巴马想获得宽恕——因其背弃的承诺,所以,他错误地描述了“坐牛”。

4.Native American chiefs pke Sitting Bull, Tecumesh and Geronimo fought against the settlers.卧牛、特库姆塞和杰罗尼莫等美洲原住民酋长纷纷抗击殖民者。

5.Custer planned to attack the Indian camp from three sides, but Chief Sitting Bull was ready for them.库斯特计画从三个方向同时攻击印第安人,但是酋长「坐着的公牛」却早已做好迎战的准备。

6.Another boat, Sitting Bull, is worth $320, 000 while a vessel in Florida described as a "Rybovich fishing boat" is valued at $2. 2m.另外一艘名叫“坐着的公牛”的游艇价值32万美元,在佛罗里达州还有一艘价值220万美元的所谓“Rybovich渔船”。