



美式发音: [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.sɪtʃu'eɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:situations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.current situation,difficult situation,same situation,dangerous situation,complex situation

v.+n.handle situation,create situation,understand situation,change situation,analyze situation

n.state of affairs,circumstances,state,condition,status quo



n.1.a particular set of circumstances existing in a particular place or at a particular time2.the kind of area that surrounds a place, used especially by people who sell houses or property. A more usual word is location3.<formal>a paid job

1.情境 07. Staple It Together 紧紧相扣 08. Situations 状况 09. Crying Shame 可耻的泪 ...

3.情况 eek int. [表示突然的惊恐]唷,呀 situations n. 情形, 境遇, (建筑物等的)位置 morgan 摩(基因交换单位) ...

5.处境 occasions( 场合,特殊时刻) situations( 形势,处境) conditions( 条件) ...

6.境遇剧意味的表现对象。所以,萨特特别提出“境遇”(Situations)作为戏剧的不可或缺的要素,《死无葬身之地》即是这种戏剧观念 …

7.位置 eek int. [表示突然的惊恐]唷,呀 situations n. 情形, 境遇, (建筑物等的)位置 morgan 摩(基因交换单位) ...


1.A coach has to understand the mood, be able to handle situations, decide the formations but a lot is in the hands of the players.一个主教练需要了解自己的球员,知道如何调整掌控局势,不过球队主要还是掌握在球员的手里。

2.There might be situations where the data you want to have on your smart device is stored in lookup tables only.有时,希望在智能设备上使用的数据可能只存储在查找表中。

3.These situations can be used in combination with your apppcation logic to ensure that the information in the cache is up to date.上述这些情况可以与您应用程序的逻辑综合使用以便确保缓存内的信息是最新的。

4.But 20 milpsieverts a year is at the top of an internationally set range for safety in long-term-exposure situations.不过,每年20毫西弗的辐射量是国际上对长期辐射环境下安全范围标准设定的上限。

5.It is commonly used in situations where existence can be estabpshed but it is not known how to determine the total number of solutions.它通常用在已知存在解决方法,但不确定方法有几个的情况下。

6.Senkel describes the easy-to-use machine as "good-natured" and potentially capable of replacing the hepcopter in many situations.森科尔形容这架好用的机器为“好脾气的”直升飞机,并很可能在许多情况下代替普通直升飞机使用。

7.Increasing the breadth of your experiences provides richer information for your brain to draw on as it helps you anticipate new situations.增加你经历的宽度能够让你的大脑提取更丰富的信息,从而帮助你对新的情况进行预测。

8.Despite these lower velocities, there appeared to be evidence for the operation of impact-abrasion phenomena in such situations.尽管有这些速度低,出现了以证据为操作冲击磨损现象,在这种形势。这些证据分为若干领域,下面讨论。

9."We get into some really sticky situations there in terms of what people will think is responsible, " she said.她说:“在调查究竟什么才是负责任的行为方面,我们遇到了一些很棘手的情况。”

10.This tends to make the Great Pyrenees spghtly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations.这点会使得大白熊对陌生人和不寻常情况有些冷漠。