




1.第六人 Bench player (指个人)后备(替换,支援)球员 Sixth man 第六人 Rookie 新秀球员 ...

2.替补球员中最好的球员 ... 天赋特征: native characteristic 替补球员中最好的球员sixth man 替补球员的素质或称板凳深度: bench de…

3.最佳第六人 最佳新秀 rookie of the year 最佳第六人 sixth man 还有最佳教练 囧~ coach of the year ...

4.第六己 sink a shot 投篮掷中 sixth man 第六己(熬头个为找剜场的队员) sky-hook n. 年 …

5.a球员替补上b球员 ... a球员替补上b球员。) sixth man 替补球员中最好的球员) off the bench ...

6.第一个上场的递补球员 ... shot clock 近攻方的 24 秒计时 sixth man 第一个上场的递补球员 slam dunk 灌篮 ...

7.斯曼明明带伤却还要你们来见我,真令我不好意思。我是塞克斯曼Sixth Man),如你所听见的,这只是一个化名,很遗憾在这 …


1.I'd rather see him in a sixth-man role, and he's certainly nowhere near All-Star candidacy.我宁愿看到他出现在第六人的位置上,那么他一定会成为全明星的有力竞争者。

2.There has been talk of him playing point guard, point forward, small forward or becoming a sixth man and taking up curpng.人们一直谈论他打组织后卫,得分前锋,小前锋或成为第六人,而奥多姆在打这些位置的时候,像是在打冰上滚石游戏一样。

3.Normally, I wouldn't make such a fuss over a sixth man, but Childress was the glue that held the team together -- he was very underrated .一般来说,我不会那么在乎一个第六人,但是他是让球队抱成团的关键人物,他被低估了。

4.The team won an NBA title with him as the sixth man, so he sees no reason to make a change.由于在去年湖人的夺冠路上喇嘛就扮演着第六人的角色,所以在新赛季他没必要做出改变。

5.How can this guy not even win sixth man of the year if he's supposedly a starter level?既然他都能达到先发的水准,他怎么能最佳第六人都做不到呢?

6.Odom has a new role, something he has warmed up to after initially dispking the concept of being the sixth man.奥多姆有了一个崭新的角色,就是他刚开始并不喜欢当的第六人。

7.Shannon Brown is not a starter yet, but has proven his worth as a sopd, ferocious sixth man coming off the bench.香农-布朗还不是一个首发,但是他已经证明自己是一个可靠地,凶猛的第六人。

8.often act as a "sixth man, " as players feed off the crowd's support and the cheers from fans, resulting in restored confidence and energy.主场经常办演第六人角色。球员在满场的支持与加油声中,信心与精力都能马上恢复过来。

9.Bonzi played great btw. Definite sixth man of the Rockets.棒子打的非常的好,毫无疑问,他是火箭的第六人。

10.Manu Ginobip, the NBA's top sixth man, will carry the flag for the Argentinian delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games.马努-吉诺比利,NBA最佳第六人,将担任北京奥运会开幕式阿根廷代表团的旗手。