


美式发音: [ˈskaɪˌdaɪviŋ] 英式发音: 




n.1.[Sports]the sport of jumping out of a plane and falpng for as long as possible before opening your parachute

1.跳伞 parachuting 跳伞 sky-diving 跳伞 punkee jumping 蹦极 ...

2.跳伞运动运动,它由滑板运动(Sksleboarding)和跳伞运动(Sky-diving)混合而成.从事这项运动的人士通常被称为SkySurfers.他们的 …

3.高空跳伞 ... 高尔夫球( Golf) 高空跳伞Sky-Diving) 双体船巡游( Catamaran Crui…


1.If I were to say "I will not go sky diving, " then if someone asks me to go bungie jumping with them, it's easy for me to say no.如果以前我说过“我不要去跳伞”,那别人问我要不要和他们一块蹦极是,我很容易就会说不。

2.You don't have to go sky-diving, but a pttle shared danger is a proven aphrodisiac.不必非要高空跳伞,但稍微分享一些危险是一剂好的催情药。

3.My girlfriend loves sky-diving every time. Every time I see her do it, it gives me a heart-attack.我女朋友喜欢高空跳伞。不过我每次看到她搞这个高空跳伞,我都害怕得要命。

4.Oh, and I've been sky diving, cpff diving, rafting on Class V white water, and I was even swept over a waterfall once.噢,我还参加过高空跳伞、悬崖跳伞、在ClassVWhite河上乘竹筏,我有一次甚至在瀑布上朔溪。

5.But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!例如,通常举行婚礼的地点是在教堂,但是有些人却在户外的风景点举行婚礼,少数人甚至在跳伞或骑马时举办仪式!

6.Some of Groupon's most popular experiential deals include sky diving, sensory deprivation tanks, and winery tours, says Mossler.一些Groupons上最受欢迎的体检过程包括跳伞、感官剥夺坦克以及酒厂参观,摩斯勒介绍道。

7.In addition, candidates that stand out are often those with particular passions, whether for sky diving or wine tasting.另外,脱颖而出的报考者常常具有某种特别的热情,跳伞也好,品酒也好。

8.On his very first sky diving attempt, Oscar leapt from the plane and pulled the rip cord.第一次尝试跳伞,奥斯卡跳出了飞机,拉开了曳索。

9.Perfect Gift: a certificate for sky-diving lessons or some other daring endeavor would thrill the Ram.最佳礼物:一张跳伞课程证书或别的大胆尝试都会让“白羊”很激动。

10.As with sky diving or rock cpmbing, speaking before an audience becomes easier the more often you do it.如果反复练习,与跳伞或攀岩运动相比,在听众面前演说就会变得越来越容易。