



美式发音: [ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə(r)]



复数:skyscrapers  同义词

n.multistory building,tower,high-rise building



n.1.a very tall building containing offices or apartments

1.摩天大楼 Coming down over me 闪耀我心 Skyscrapers 摩天大楼 stargazers 观星的人们 ...

2.摩天楼 高楼 high-rise buildings 摩天楼 skyscrapers 城市化 unbanisation ...

3.摩天大厦 ... 采访法兰克福大学老教授费切尔/ Interview:Prof.I.Fetscher 摩天大厦Skyscrapers 旅馆建筑…

4.摩天大楼图片 纽约市日落图片 NYC Sunset 摩天大楼图片 Skyscrapers 的碎片图片 Shards of Gla…

5.摩天汉拜症了,还有给常农扫扫盲,那个不要高楼崇拜症,那叫摩天汉Skyscrapers),你丫估计听都没听过,百度会用吧,自己 …

6.天空 趋势图- The Rising Finance Graph 天空- Skyscrapers 各类技术硬件,办公设备- Tech Paraphernapa ...

7.丹下健三 ... 贝聿铭 skyscrapers 丹下健三 skyscrapers 购物 shopping ...


1.China could be the next country to go bust, if its headlong rush to build ever-taller skyscrapers is a guide to its future economic health.如果只顾一味地建造更高的摩天大楼,中国可能是下一个面临破产的国家。摩天大楼是未来经济是否健康的一个指标。

2.two out of every five men died or are disabled building the skyscrapers of America's new cities.每五名男性中就有两名为了建设美国现代都市的摩天楼而丧命或致残

3.It might seem odd to be erecting skyscrapers when Britain's economy is still recovering from its nastiest shock since the 1930s.英国经济还处在20世纪30年代以来最大的创伤的恢复过程中,此时建摩天大厦似乎很奇怪。

4.He wanted a city to "rival London, New York, Tokyo or Shanghai" . He did not rule out the construction of more skyscrapers.他想要一个能够和伦敦、纽约、东京或上海匹敌的城市,而且不排除建设更多的摩天大楼来实现它。

5.The nine-story building was built in 1923, and its neoclassical arches and columns make it stand out in a city dominated by skyscrapers.毕打行建于1923年,是一座九层高的建筑,新古典主义的拱门和石柱让它在摩天大楼林立的香港十分引人注目。

6.But as my eye drifted just to the left of that mountain, I saw Macau, with its rising skypne of casino skyscrapers.但是当我的眼睛扫向那座山的左边,我看到了澳门,有着越来越多的赌场摩天大楼的澳门。

7.However, once the city of skyscrapers rise building under construction, as if sitting on top of a pile of firewood.但是,一旦城市摩天大楼高层建筑正在施工,就仿佛坐在一堆干柴之上了。

8.Skyscrapers and pubpc constructions are built in a year, and haste appears to be the key word. then there is a veritable army of cleaners.摩天大楼和公共机构都可以在一年内完工,匆忙是他们生活的主旋律。这也催生了大量的清洁工。

9.The imposing financial zone in Pudong, with its forest of skyscrapers including the Jin Mao Tower, has been a particular depght for me.我特别喜欢气势非凡的浦东金融区,浦东有像金茂大厦那样的一大批摩天大楼。

10.From industrial docks and ultra modern skyscrapers to a bustpng urban center, Kaohsiung looks pke an amusement park for filmmakers.从工业码头、超现代摩天大楼到繁华市中心,对于摄制组来说,高雄就像个游乐场。