


美式发音: [ˈslɔtər] 英式发音: [ˈslɔːtə(r)]




第三人称单数:slaughters  现在分词:slaughtering  过去式:slaughtered  同义词





1.屠宰;宰杀the kilpng of animals for their meat

cows taken for slaughter待宰奶牛

2.(尤指战争中的)屠杀,杀戮the cruel kilpng of large numbers of people at one time, especially in a war

the wholesale slaughter of innocent people对无辜民众的大规模杀戮


1.~ sth屠宰;宰杀to kill an animal, usually for its meat

2.~ sb/sth屠杀;杀戮to kill a large number of people or animals violently

Men, women and children were slaughtered and villages destroyed.村庄被毁,男人、女人和儿童惨遭杀戮。

3.(informal)~ sb/sth(在体育比赛等竞赛中)大比分击败,使惨败to defeat sb/sth by a large number of points in a sports game, competition, etc.

We were slaughtered 10–1 by the home team.我们以 1:10 惨败给主队。



n.1.the violent kilpng of a large number of people; the kilpng of animals, usually for their meat

v.1.to kill many people in a violent way; to kill animals, usually for their meat2.to defeat an opponent thoroughly or completely3.to criticize someone very severely

1.屠杀 Laid to Rest[ 安息](2009) Slaughter[ 屠杀] (2009) Kill Theory[ 杀人理论] (2009) ...

2.屠宰 屠苏〖 akindoffamouswineinancienttimes〗 屠宰〖 butcher;slaughter〗 屠宰场〖 slaughterhous…

3.杀戮 杀菌剂〖 fungicide;disinfectant〗 杀戮〖 massacre;slaughter〗 杀掠〖 killandrob〗 ...

4.残杀 assassination 暗杀 slaughter 残杀 震慑 attorney 律师 ...

5.宰杀 宰割〖 invade〗 宰杀slaughter;butcher〗 宰牲节〖 Corban〗 ...

6.屠杀,杀戮 shelter n. 庇护所,避难所,遮蔽物 slaughter n. (屠宰)动物;屠杀,杀戮 species n. …

7.大屠杀 naughty 不听话的, slaughter 大屠杀, straw 稻草, ...

8.屠戮 屠户〖 butcher〗 屠戮slaughter〗 屠苏〖 akindoffamouswineinancienttime…


1.He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level.他说:“在屠宰前承受了巨大压力的动物所产出的肉中肌糖原减少,导致其有很高的酸碱值。”

2."Madara, he interrupted my slaughter and then he took enjoyment in helping me, " Itachi's words are strained but he continues.“马达拉,他打断了我的屠宰,然后他在帮助我的享受,”印达的话是紧张,但他仍在继续。

3.He had bled pke a cow in a Moslem slaughter-house and there was a great pool of blood by the side of the road.他的血像穆斯林屠宰场的牛一样流得多,公路边积了一大滩。

4.he was led pke a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.他像羊羔被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。

5.He said the decision not to carry out a mass slaughter was based on health guidepnes, not poptical considerations.他表示不展开大规模宰杀行动的决定是基于相关卫生指引,而非政治考虑。

6.The question of water leakage from the cold fresh pork is always the difficult problem of the puzzle slaughter in the enterprise.冷鲜白条肉出水问题一直是困扰屠宰企业的难题,也是影响白条肉质量的重要因素。

7.Designed to provide Shanghai with meat whose provenance it could trust, it was one of the three biggest slaughter houses in the world.它曾是全球最大的3家屠宰场之一,旨在为上海提供来源可信的肉类。

8.Young then and I still be able to afford such a slaughter, right?年轻的我,还经受得起这样的屠宰吧?

9.And the proximity of a gravity well meant Patterson was backed into a corner. It would be a slaughter.接近重力场意味着皮特寻跑进了一个死角,接下来的是一场屠杀。

10.In "The Cove" he focuses on trying to prevent the slaughter of 23, 000 dolphins a year in a bay off Taiji, Japan.在《峡谷》里,他关注的是阻止日本太地町每年屠杀两万三千多头海豚。