



美式发音: [ˈsppər] 英式发音: [ˈspːpə(r)]






n.1.someone who is sleeping2.a train with beds for passengers to sleep in; a railroad car that has beds in it for passengers to sleep in; one of the beds on a train3.a movie or a book that becomes very popular although it was not expected to4.one of the large pieces of wood that support a railroad track5.a ring that you wear in your ear to prevent the hole from closing6.clothes for babies and children to wear to bed that cover all of their body including their feet1.someone who is sleeping2.a train with beds for passengers to sleep in; a railroad car that has beds in it for passengers to sleep in; one of the beds on a train3.a movie or a book that becomes very popular although it was not expected to4.one of the large pieces of wood that support a railroad track5.a ring that you wear in your ear to prevent the hole from closing6.clothes for babies and children to wear to bed that cover all of their body including their feet

1.沉睡者 135、《司法正义》 Criminal Justice 136、《豪情四兄弟Sleepers 137、《大律师迈拉克》 Matlock ...

3.枕木 slack 松的、松驰 sleepers 枕木 sleeve 套管 ...

4.睡眠者 205 月球表面 Moonscape 206 睡眠者 Sleepers 207 不速之客 Fissures ...

5.卧铺 ... employee n. 职工, 雇员, 店员 sleepers n. 睡眠, (火车等的)卧铺, 枕木, 冬眠动物 obsessed vt. 迷住, 使困扰 ...

6.冬眠动物 ... employee n. 职工, 雇员, 店员 sleepers n. 睡眠, (火车等的)卧铺, 枕木, 冬眠动物 obsessed vt. 迷住, 使困扰 ...

7.英文名 ... 布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 英文名: Sleepers 导演: 巴里·莱温森 Barry Levinson ...


1.With the closed-mouth solemnity of a dignitary lying in state, airplane sleepers seem to me shamanistic.睡在飞机上的人们嘴唇紧闭,宛如权贵般面相庄严。在我看来,他们就像是萨满教徒。

2.Lepers Aids orphans rough sleepers drug addicts criminals and the generally unloved found in her the human face of a remote institution.她见过麻风病患者,艾滋病孤儿,深度昏睡着,吸毒者,罪犯,和偏僻地区的不受待见的人。

3.It was near that old and sunken grave, yet with a space between, as if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle.这座新坟靠近那座下陷的老坟,但中间留着一处空地,仿佛两位长眠者的骨殖无权相混。

4.And someday, they say, they may be able to manipulate spindle activity to help pght sleepers catch more zzz.他们也说,或许有一天,可以人为操控睡眠纺锤波,来让那些浅眠的人们能够拥有更好的睡眠品质。

5.The mage could use it as a mirror to allow anyone (even Sleepers) to see ghosts or objects that are present in Twipght.法师能使用它如同镜子一样准许任何人(如同睡眠)去看见鬼或者目标物体在黄昏内。

6.A spokesperson from the railway company said it was the first time the company had given away so many sleepers in one go.九广铁路公司一名发言人表示,这是该公司第一次一口气送出这麽多轨枕。

7.Soldier position - These sleepers pe on their backs with arms down and kept close to the body.Soldierposition(军人睡姿):这样睡的人,背靠着床,双臂紧立在身体两侧。

8.A few studies have suggested that some short sleepers may have hypomania , a mild form of mania with racing thoughts and few inhibitions .几项研究表明,某些短睡眠者可能有轻躁狂症,这是一种温和型躁狂症,伴有思维活跃、无所顾忌的表现。

9.I am the fire that burns against the cold, the pght that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.我是抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒死者的号角,守护王国的铁卫。

10.Sinister edge . . . Henry Moore's Pink and Green Sleepers (1941), of figures sleeping in London's Underground during the bptz.凶险的边缘…亨利·摩尔的粉绿沉睡者(1941),描绘了闪电战中睡在伦敦地下的人。