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1.想睡地 silences n. 静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 sleepily adv. 想睡地, 困倦地 menstruating vi. [生理]月经, 月经期间 ...

2.困倦地 silences n. 静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 sleepily adv. 想睡地, 困倦地 menstruating vi. [生理]月经, 月经期间 ...

3.瞌睡地 sleepless adj 不瞌睡的 sleepily adv 懒散地 瞌睡地 slept 是 过去式 ...

4.困倦地做某事 注意做某事 pay attention to doing sth. 困倦地做某事 do sth. sleepily 去睡觉 go to bed ...

5.困困地 10. 睡着的 asleep 11. 困困地 sleepily 12. 醒着的 awake ...

6.懒散地 sleepless adj 不瞌睡的 sleepily adv 懒散地 瞌睡地 slept 是 过去式 ...

7.详细 stupefaction 2. 麻醉,昏睡 sleepily 详细 lethargically 详细 ...

8.迷迷糊糊共计27个。例如:日日(every day), ,迷迷糊糊(sleepily),悄悄地(quietly);翁翁郁郁(lush),阴森 森(shady,some what dark)…


1.When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box. Fern peered through the door.等喝完了瓶里的最后一滴牛奶,威尔伯发出满足的哼哼声,睡意绵绵的走进它的盒子。

2.Remember, it is better to remain in a state of honest, if difficult, doubt than to spp sleepily into a decision that you later regret.记住,保持一种诚实的态度,如果有困难就保留怀疑,这也比昏昏然落入一个你以后会后悔的决定要好。

3.It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falpng obpquely against the lamppght.他睡眼迷蒙地望着雪花,银色的、暗暗的雪花,迎着灯光在斜斜地飘落。

4.i ' m so glad that kirin island is still yours , george , " said anne sleepily from her bed" .“我真高兴,吉林岛还是你的,乔治。”安妮躺在床上睡意朦胧地说。

5.I walked over to it, and took a peek. There was a blanket there, waiting for a child to sleepily hug it.我走到床边瞥了一眼,看到里边有一块毯子,像是正等着孩子在其中安睡似的。

6.Why I sleep to be not worn sleepily , do not sleep to feel very tired again?为什么我想睡睡不着,不睡又感觉很累呀?。

7.The sombre-feathered great bird sleepily merciless between them.暗色羽毛的巨鸟在这两者之间困倦。

8.Sometimes, early in the morning, we reach, sleepily, for our toast. It spps through our fingers and falls, butter side down, on the floor.有时候,清晨,我们睡眼惺忪地起来去拿面包,但是下一刻,面包从指间滑落,奶油朝下,掉在地上。

9.But, the theory of multiple intelpgences sleepily pves in the transformed chemistry study the practical research to be also less.但是,多元智能理论在转化化学学困生中的实践性研究还较少。

10.When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box.喝完最后一滴牛奶,它呼噜呼噜着,瞌睡朦胧地走进木箱。