


美式发音: 英式发音: [sləun]





1.斯隆业家约瑟夫·沃顿(Joseph Wharton);麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(Sloan)的冠名权给了前通用汽车总裁艾尔弗雷德·斯隆(Alfred Sloa…

4.麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 ... 皇后商学院( Queen's School of Business) 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院( MIT: Sloan) 巴黎高等商学院( HEC Paris) ...

5.仕龙仕龙SLOAN)的产品早在30年代就被引进到中国,用于宾馆建设项目。在90年代,SLOAN在香港及新加坡成立了销售机构 …


1.Sloan also introduced a systematic strategic planning procedure for the company's divisions, the first CEO ever to do such a thing.斯隆还为公司的各个部门引进了系统化的战略规划流程,之前从未有哪个首席执行官做过这样的工作。

2.However, he was known as "Silent Sloan" to the company's workers because he preferred to run the business from behind the scenes.但是,对于公司的工人们叫他“安静斯隆”,因为他更喜欢从幕后来运行企业。

3.Now head of his own office in Dallas, Sloan grew up in Kansas City, Missouri.现在,作为达拉斯自己办公室主管的斯隆生长在密苏里州的堪萨斯城。

4."You're never going to be able to commit -- not to anyone, " Sloan accuses during a heated argument.“你永远不可能会做出承诺,永远不会给任何人承诺。”在一场激烈的争吵中,Sloan这样指责Eric。

5."Yeah, " said Sloan, grinning, "put him in a concrete stretcher. See if that makes our guys bigger. "斯隆阴笑道:“有的,把他放到担架上就解决问题了。只有这样才能显示出我们的强大。”

6.Ms. Sloan: I am prepared to travel if necessary. As I said in my letter, I have my own car.斯洛恩女士:如果需要我随时准备出差。像我信中说的那样,我有自己的车。

7.Save water, time, and money by upgrading to one of Sloan's easy to install retrofit products.请采用美国仕龙安装简捷的用于更新的产品,节水,省时,省钱!

8.Sloan: Welcome. . . to the Fraternity. This gun your holding belonged to your father, he could conduct a symphony orchestra with it.斯隆:欢迎……加入“互助会”,你正拿着地枪本来属于你地父亲,他甚至能够用它制造出有如交响乐地美妙声音。

9.David Schmittlein, the dean of the MIT Sloan School of Management, said he bepeved that the lure of Wall Street would remain.麻省理工(MIT)斯隆商学院(SloanSchoolofManagement)院长大卫•施米特莱因(DavidSchmittlein)表示,他相信华尔街的吸引力仍将存在。

10.When I moved to New York after graduation, I decided to volunteer at the Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital until I found a job.毕业后,我搬到了纽约,在找到工作前,我决定在斯隆-凯特灵纪念医院做义工。