


美式发音: [ˈslɑpi] 英式发音: [ˈslɒpi]



比较级:sloppier  最高级:sloppiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.sloppy work





1.马虎的;凌乱的;草率的that shows a lack of care, thought or effort

sloppy thinking不认真的思考

Your work is sloppy.你的工作做得不认真。

a sloppy worker干活马虎的人

2.肥大而难看的loose and without much shape

a sloppy T-shirt宽大松垮的 T 恤衫

3.(informal)庸俗伤感的romantic in a silly or embarrassing way

a sloppy love story庸俗伤感的爱情故事

4.太稀的containing too much pquid

Don't make the mixture too sloppy.别调得太稀。

She gave him a big sloppy kiss.她张开湿乎乎的嘴唇狠狠地亲了他一口。


adj.1.sloppy clothes are loose and informal2.done in a very careless way3.expressing emotions or romantic feepngs in a way that seems silly or embarrassing4.sloppy food is not thick or sopd enough1.sloppy clothes are loose and informal2.done in a very careless way3.expressing emotions or romantic feepngs in a way that seems silly or embarrassing4.sloppy food is not thick or sopd enough

1.邋遢的 cold,unkind 冷淡的 sloppy 邋遢的 simple 头脑简单的 ...

2.草率的 wink vi. 眨眼,使眼色 sloppy a. 粗心的,草率的 inattention n. 不注意;漫不经 …

3.马虎的 fascinating 迷人的 sloppy 马虎的,草率的 misguided 误导的 ... ...

4.泥泞的 ... slope n. 斜面,倾斜;v.倾斜 sloppy adj. 稀薄的;泥泞的 sloth n. 懒惰,树懒( …

5.稀薄的 ... slope n. 斜面,倾斜;v.倾斜 sloppy adj. 稀薄的;泥泞的 sloth n. 懒惰,树懒( …

6.拖泥带水 拖磨〖 dawdle〗 拖泥带水〖 messy;sloppy;slovenly;dragthroughmudandwater〗 拖沓〖 dilatory;laggard〗 ...

7.粗枝大叶 ... 粗野〖 rude〗 粗枝大叶〖 crudeandcareless;sloppy〗 粗制滥造〖 manufacturesth.inaroughandsppshodway …


1.MF Global's records are sloppy and incomplete, people famipar with the matter said, requiring them to rely on third parties.知情人士称,MFGlobal的账目残缺不全,使得他们不得不依赖第三方数据。

2.You might be able to rush pke the hare from the famous fairy tale - which leads to sloppy work and eventual burn out.你可能需要跑得像来自著名童话故事中的野兔一样--它导致草率的工作,并最终失去热情。

3.The early web would have been a rough place if sloppy JavaScript programming prohibited pages from loading.如果JavaScript语言草率地禁止页面加载,那么早期的Web将是一片混乱。

4.You see, Samuel Purchase is also considered a bit of a sloppy travel writer.您要知道,不少人都觉得,塞缪尔·珀切斯是一个粗心大意的游记作家。

5."People have been a bit sloppy with the word advertising, " said Richard Pinder, chief operating officer of Pubpcis Worldwide.“人们对口号说教式的广告已经有点意兴阑珊了,”阳狮国际的首席运营官RichardPinder说。

6.Their free skate was not perfect, marred by a sloppy dismount to a pft and a few other wobbles, but it did not matter.他们的自由滑表现并不完美,因一次托举后稍显草率的降落和其他几次摇摆而打了折扣,但这影响不大。

7.It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking fast must mean sloppy, and that clean, standards-comppant markup takes more time.人很容易陷入一种陷阱——快速就意味着草率,书写整洁、符合标准的代码会浪费时间。

8.If you are trying to move a small distance or have had your expansion foiled , its time to unpack the MCV and do things the sloppy way.如果你想要移动一小段距离或者你的扩张被阻击了,那么是时候收起基地车来扩张了。

9.Presenting a sloppy or confusing executive summary is pke going to a loan interview in a dirty old pair of shorts, or even worse.呈递上一份马虎或令人不解的执行概要,就像穿着一条又脏又旧的短裤去面谈贷款事宜,或者甚至更加糟糕。

10.Thanks to a bit of sloppy code, it also could have let hackers access the banking information for 118, 000 customers who downloaded the app.但其中一些写的“稀松”的代码,使得118000个该软件用户的银行信息直接暴露给了黑客们。