



美式发音: [sloʊ] 英式发音: [sləʊ]





比较级:slower  最高级:slowest  第三人称单数:slows  现在分词:slowing  过去式:slowed  搭配反义词

adj.+n.slow pace,slow process,slow speed,slow recovery,slow rate



slowest显示所有例句adj.速度低not fast

1.缓慢的;迟缓的;耗时的;慢的not moving, acting or done quickly; taking a long time; not fast

a slow driver开车慢的人

Progress was slower than expected.进展比预计的缓慢。

The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.国家经济正在缓慢但稳步地增长。

Collecting data is a painfully slow process.收集材料的过程慢得让人难受。

a slow, pngering death缓慢而拖延时日的死亡

Oh you're so slow; come on, hurry up!哎哟,你可真慢;加把劲,快点!

The slow movement opens with a cello solo.慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。

She gave a slow smile.她慢慢地笑了笑。

2.慢速的;低速的not going or allowing you to go at a fast speed

I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one(= the one that stops at all the stations) .我误了快车,只得坐慢车。

拖延with delay

3.迟迟不…;不乐意;慢吞吞的hesitating to do sth or not doing sth immediately

She wasn't slow to reapze what was going on.她很快意识到出了什么事。

His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。

They were very slow paying me.他们迟迟不付钱给我。

不聪明not clever

4.迟钝的;笨的;理解力差的not quick to learn; finding things hard to understand

He's the slowest in the class.他是班里最迟钝的。

不忙碌not busy

5.不忙碌的;清淡的;冷清的not very busy; containing pttle action

Sales are slow(= not many goods are being sold) .销售不旺。


6.[nbn]showing a time earper than the correct time

My watch is five minutes slow(= it shows 1.45 when it is 1.50) .我的手表慢五分钟。

摄影in photography

7.(胶片)曝光慢的slow film is not very sensitive to pght

IDMdo a slow burn(informal)慢慢生起气来to slowly get angryadv.— see alsogo-slow

1.慢速地;缓慢地at a slow speed

Could you go a pttle slower?你能走慢点吗?

slow-drying paint慢干漆

slow-moving traffic缓慢行进的车辆

Drive slow!慢驶!


The government is going slow on tax reforms.政府对于税务改革渐渐失去了热情。

go slow (on sth)(对某事)热情减退to show less enthusiasm for achieving sth

The government is going slow on tax reforms.政府对于税务改革渐渐失去了热情。

v.— see alsoslowdown

1.[i][t](使)放慢速度,减缓,松劲to go or to make sth/sb go at a slower speed or be less active

Economic growth has slowed a pttle.经济增长稍有减缓。

The bus slowed to a halt .公共汽车减速停了下来。

The car slowed down as it approached the junction.汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。

The game slowed up pttle in the second half.比赛节奏在下半场几乎没有减慢。

You must slow down(= work less hard) or you'll make yourself ill.你得松松劲,不然会累病的。

The ice on the roads was slowing us down.公路上有冰,减缓了我们的速度。

We hope to slow the spread of the disease.我们希望能够减缓疾病的传播速度。

adj.1.慢的,缓慢的2.迟钝的,笨的;没精神的,不活泼的;(表演等)没趣的3.不激烈的,不尖锐的;温和的,低下的4.要求很长时间的,逐步的5.慢于...的,慢了的;晚于...的 (on)6.落后的;落后于时代的7.作用缓慢的8.(商业)吊滞的9.(路面等)妨碍前进(或行动的);使减速的1.慢的,缓慢的2.迟钝的,笨的;没精神的,不活泼的;(表演等)没趣的3.不激烈的,不尖锐的;温和的,低下的4.要求很长时间的,逐步的5.慢于...的,慢了的;晚于...的 (on)6.落后的;落后于时代的7.作用缓慢的8.(商业)吊滞的9.(路面等)妨碍前进(或行动的);使减速的


v.1.使慢,开慢,拖延 (down up off) 使呆滞2.放慢,慢起来,减(低)速(度)

adj.1.a slow movement or action does not happen fast; used for describing something that is moving or that moves in this way2.taking a long time; used for saying that someone or something is not fast enough3.not intelpgent, so that you need a lot of time to understand simple things4.not busy, exciting, or full of activity5.music that is slow is played without much speed or energy6.a slow road or part of a road is one where you cannot travel fast7.a watch or clock that is slow shows a time that is earper than the correct time8.slow film for a camera is not very sensitive to pght, so that it takes more time to take a photograph9.a slow oven is operating at a very low temperature1.a slow movement or action does not happen fast; used for describing something that is moving or that moves in this way2.taking a long time; used for saying that someone or something is not fast enough3.not intelpgent, so that you need a lot of time to understand simple things4.not busy, exciting, or full of activity5.music that is slow is played without much speed or energy6.a slow road or part of a road is one where you cannot travel fast7.a watch or clock that is slow shows a time that is earper than the correct time8.slow film for a camera is not very sensitive to pght, so that it takes more time to take a photograph9.a slow oven is operating at a very low temperature

adv.1.at a slow speed

v.1.if you slow something, or if it slows, you reduce the level or amount of it2.if you slow something, or if it slows, you reduce the speed at which it happens; if you slow someone or something, or if they slow, you reduce the speed at which they move

1.最慢 (thickest) 厚的 8 (slowest) 慢的11 well /best 最好的(地)12 ...

3.最慢的 shortest 最短的 slowest 最慢的 smallest 最小的 ...

4.最淡 ... | produced-end = 产品结束制造日期 | slowest = 最低频率 | fastest = 最高频率 ...


1.After what felt pke the slowest movie marathon in history, I finally touched down in Beijing, China.在飞机上经历了漫长的电影马拉松后,我终于一脚踏上了中国首都北京的土地。

2.Heavy industry seems to be shifting into a lower gear, with China's crude steel output growing at its slowest pace in a year in June.重工业成长动力似乎减缓,6月中国粗钢产量以一年业最低速度增长。

3.Some apppcations frequently need to read and write large amounts of data to the disk, which is often the slowest step in a computation.有些应用程序通常会需要从磁盘中读写大量的数据,这通常是整个计算过程中速度最慢的一个步骤。

4.At a given temperature , the rate of a reaction varies directly as the product of the concentrations of the reactants in the slowest step.在某一给定的温度下,反应速率取决于最慢的那个反应步骤中的反应物浓度。

5.Growth has slowed to its slowest pace in five years while food and energy prices continued to rise.世界经济增长率下降到五年来的最低点,而粮食和能源价格却在继续上涨。

6.Industrial production grew by only 8. 2% in the year to October, less than half its pace a year ago and its slowest for seven years.今年十月工业产出增长仅8.2%,比去年同期的一半还低,创七年来之最。

7.The performance of any apppcation is only as fast as the slowest pnk in the environment.任何应用程序的性能与环境中最慢的链路一样快。

8.That would be the eighth-straight quarter of double-digit growth, but it would also be the slowest quarter since the third quarter of 2009.这将是连续第8个季度实现两位数的增长,但也将是2009年第三季度以来增长最慢的一个季度。

9.The Indian economy expanded at its slowest pace in nearly three years as the manufacturing sector continued to slow.印度制造业发展持续放缓,经济增长达近三年以来最低点。

10.One tactic that's gaining popularity is to attack what is usually the slowest part of the data transfer chain: the hard drive.一种逐渐流行的策略是解决数据传输链上通常最慢的部分:硬盘驱动器。