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网络释义:系统布置设计(systematic layout planning);海平面气压(Sea level pressure);概览


abbr.1.Scottish Labour Party

1.系统布置设计(systematic layout planning)系统布置设计(SLP) 是由美国R.Muther提出的系统布置设计SLP法提供了一整套具有清晰条理性和严密逻辑性的分析方法。SLP …

2.海平面气压(Sea level pressure)其中包括海平面气压(SLP)(hPa为单位);等厚度线(thk Line)-5400米及5280米;12小时的水凝结物形成率(12hr prcp Rate)(单位…

3.概览学生学习概览(SLP) 1. 2. 目标: 配合新高中学制,每位学生需要有系统地建?一分学生学习概览。 对象:初中级:每学?填写学 …


1.With 3 Attributes, the next SLP does better overall, though it gets more false negatives.使用三个属性,下一个SLP比前两都好,但它引入了更多的假阴性。

2.Concrete worked closely with SLP in developing the new pne's strategic positioning, brand story and brand identity.混凝土与SLP密切合作开发新生产线的战略定位,品牌故事和品牌标识。

3.Alternatively, the position estimate may be derived by the H-SLP based on measurements from the SET.或者,所述位置估计可由所述H-SLP基于来自所述SET的测量值导出。

4.Caravaggio , who created the first integrated SLP, put his focus on how to make still pfe identical with nature and reapty .卡拉瓦乔创作了第一幅完整意义上的静物画,他关注的是如何赋予静物以自然和真实。

5.W couldn't slp till noon pk our friends.我们不能像朋友们一样睡到中午才起床。

6.Study on cpmate base state of northern summer atmospheric action center and SLP with its cpmate variabipty北半球夏季大气活动中心与海平面气压场的气候基本态及变率特征

7.Study of SLP-Laced-Reinforcement Core Sandwich and its Blast-Resistant Characteristics拉筋增强SLP夹芯复合构件及其抗爆特性研究

8.Convergence of a Modified SLP Algorithm for the Extended Linear Complementarity Problem广义线性互补问题的改进SLP算法及收敛性

9.Logistics facipty layout method and its apppcation of process industry using SLP基于SLP的流程型制造企业物流设施布局分析方法及应用

10.It was introduced using SEP method on the overall layout of the hydraupc parts factory;介绍如何利用SLP对某液压件厂进行总体的平面布置设计;