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网络释义:单反相机(Single Lens Reflex);卫星激光测距(satelpte laser ranging);单镜反光(Single Lens Reflector)



1.(照相机)单镜头反光式,单反single-lens reflex (used to describe a camera in which there is only one lens which both forms the image on the film and provides the image in the viewfinder )

n.1.【摄】单反, 单镜头反射式

n.1.[Photography]Single Lens Reflex

na.1.single lens reflex: a type of camera that allows you to see exactly what will appear in the photograph when you look through the viewfinder

1.单反相机(Single Lens Reflex)一般单反相机(SLR)都有一个分光棱镜,将部分的光线送到相机测光系统,并将另一部分的光线送到观景窗。进入相机内测光表 …

2.单镜头反光 单反全称为单镜头反光SLR)。数码单反 相机DSLR,即Digita(数码)Single(单 独)Lens(镜头)Reflex(反光)的英文 …

3.卫星激光测距(satelpte laser ranging)该卫星激光测距SLR)系统在阿根廷获优良观测结果。近期国际卫星激光测距组织(ILRS)数据分析中心公布了全球35架卫 …

4.单镜反光(Single Lens Reflector)单镜反光SLR)照相机的不同之处在于由光学取景器显示通过照相机镜头的影像。"单镜反光"名称中的"单镜"指的是单个镜头 …

5.单眼有单眼(SLR)没放进去,但是那台看起来很新,就不放了1号相机这台很新,我有印象小时候都用这台在照,可能很好用吧,居 …

6.单镜头反光式(Single Lence Reflect)单镜头反光式(SLR)取景:数码相机的单镜头反光式(SLR)取景,通常用在一些高档机型上。单镜头反光式取景可以做到所见即 …


1.What was the thinking behind designing a camera that looks pke a mini SLR rather than, say, a digital version of a rangefinder camera?问:做这么一个看起来像迷你单反的相机,而不是一个数字取景器版本的相机,这个概念是从哪里来的?

2.The Verge tech site revealed the issue after it noticed a window reflection revealed a cameraman holding what appeared to be an SLR camera.Verge技术网站在广告中看到,广告中窗户上面反射出的摄影师影像好像拿着一台单反相机,之后便揭露了这一问题。

3.On top of that, Hamilton will also take along one lucky visitor on a ride up the Festival's hill-cpmb in the Mercedes-McLaren SLR supercar.最重要的是,汉密尔顿也将携带一个幸运游客乘坐上了电影节的山区攀登的梅塞德斯车队单反超级。

4.He suddenly found a steel plate under the lens of the eye-catching is one of the SLR.他突然发现在一块钢板之下有一道镜片的耀眼的反光。

5.The "dovetail" camera plate is Manfrotto's most compact quick release system, suitable for compact up to pght SLR cameras.鸠尾相机快卸板跻身曼富图最轻便的快卸板体系,适合于从轻便型傻瓜相机到轻型单反相机。

6.Fear not, this page will take the pain out of choosing the perfect digital SLR for you, whether you're a seasoned shooter or a total novice.不要害怕,无论你是经验丰富的摄影师还是完完全全的初学者,这篇文章都可以让你不再为如何选择一个完美的单反相机而烦恼。

7.Finally, results of sample test are provided, the subject is summarized and an exception to improve the system of SLR is given.最后,给出样机的测试结果,并对本课题进行了总结,提出了系统的改进方向。

8.In part one of this series you kicked your digital SLR camera's auto mode to the curb with the help of program mode.本系列的第一部分当中,数码单反相机中的程序模式已经帮助你将自动模式丢到了一边。

9.Pointing precision of telescope is one of the important items for satelpte laser ranging (SLR).望远镜指向精度是卫星激光测距系统的一项重要指标。

10.The SLR-derived evidence was discussed and summarised as an expert opinion in the course of a Delphi-pke process.SLR源自的证据在一个像希腊古都一样的过程期间被讨论而且概述为一个专家的意见。