




1.智能手机授权专利范围主要以LCD相关技术为主,包括可运用于智能移动装置(Smart Phones)及平板计算机(Tablets)等应用的FFS广视 …

7.智慧型电话该校学生将可以用他们的智慧型电话smart phones)查看他们的学业成绩。李维可将自己的地址记在一个数位记忆棒中,如 …


1.And with competition from other companies, American Standard has no problem demonstrating the punch of its products, even on smart phones.而对于来自其他公司的竞争,美国标准公司能够轻松展示其产品的冲击力,甚至在智能手机上也行。

2.The perfect storm of social media, smart phones and location awareness is only beginning to take full effect.社会媒体、智能手机和基于地理位置服务融合的完美风暴才刚刚开始全面生效。

3.With all the smart phones on the market, conventional cell phones seem to be out of date.跟智能手机相比,普通手机好象有些过时了。好的,今天我们学习的词是

4.Plans to build smart-phones of its own seem to be going nowhere.自行研制智能手机的计划似乎也陷入僵局。

5.Chinese consumers are waiting for someone who understands their context to develop an ecosystem that makes smart phones easy to use.中国的用户正在等待有人能真正了解自己的生活的环境,开发一款更易用的智能手机。

6.With its push into mobile platforms, the company hopes to attract the new class of developers writing apppcations for smart phones.随着他进入手机的移动平台,该公司希望吸引为智能手机开发应用程序的开发者。

7.A femtocell might be an interesting part of a "mobile ecosystem, " but the elements of interest here are smart phones and tablets.一个家庭基站可能是“移动生态系统”的一个有趣部分,但是这里关注的元素是智能手机和平板电脑。

8.The way in which we interact with the outside world has changed SO much since the introduction of the internet, smart phones, etc.自从互联网、智能手机等的引入以来,我们与外部世界打交道的方式跟过去相比已经大相径庭。

9.Weidman's program is one of the first known to turn smart phones into nodes of a botnet.韦德曼的程序就是其中一种最先知道的可用于加入僵尸网络节点的软件。

10.Not being used to such a collectivist set-up, Apple refused to pay up, which triggered the first big legal skirmish over smart-phones.由于并不习惯于这种集体主义的组织,苹果公司拒绝付钱,由此引发了第一起关于智能手机的重大法律争端。