




1.闻起来很香 31. find 找到 3. smell good 闻起来很香 4. taste depcious 尝起来很鲜美 ...

2.闻起来很好 ... 27. go swimming 去游泳 28. smell good 闻起来很好 29. in the wood 在树林里 ...

3.闻起来味道好 ... 1. a pttle too heavy 有点过重 2. smell good 闻起来味道好 2. sth. look nice on sb. 某衣物穿在某人身上很好看。 ...

4.闻起来好 ... beautiful: 漂亮 smell good: 闻起来好 glad: 高兴的 ...

5.闻着香 in the middle of 在……中间 3. smell good 闻着香 tell a story tell stories 讲故事 6. ...

6.闻起来不错 look sad 看上去很难过 smell good 闻起来不错 feel thirsty 觉得口渴 ...

7.闻起来香 感觉起来柔软 feel soft 16. 闻起来香 smell good 17. 尝起来好 taste good 18. ...


1.There's also always a perfume sample in her purse 'for a pttle pick-me-up. ' If you smell good, she says, 'you're going to feel better. '她还会在手包里放上一个香水小样,让自己心情好起来。她说,如果你闻起来很诱人,你就会感觉更好。

2.Women in ancient Greece chewed a substance from a tree that cleaned their teeth and made their breath smell good.古希腊的女士则嚼某种树上的物质,这种物质能洁净牙齿,并保持口气清新。

3.You know how some stinks stink|and other stinks smell good?你知道有些大便很臭有些的却不吗?。

4.Extending her wrist for a fellow partygoer to sniff, Payet gushed, "Doesn't it smell good enough to eat? "Payet涌出,扩展她的一个老乡partygoer嗅出手腕,“不,它的气味好足够的食物吗?”

5.The narcissuses of the poets arrive when all other narcissuses are removed the flower and moreover, they smell good.除去花,当全部其他水仙是时,那些诗人的水仙到达,而且,他们闻起来好。

6.Um, I wouldn't really know. But I do pke the way men smell, so they smell good, I kinda get more attracted to.哦,偶不确定。但是偶喜欢有些男人的味道,假如闻上去感觉比较好的话,偶会更倾心于他。

7.They always smell good , even if it's just shampoo .她们总是香气袭人,即使只是从发间散发出

8.She always smell good , even if it's just shampoo .她总是香气袭人,即使只是从发间散发出来的洗发水味道。

9.The flowers in the front of the house smell good.房前的花闻起来很香

10.Smell: Good smell with candied fruit, leather, undergrowth, pquorice and smoked.气味:有蜜饯,皮革,甘草和烟熏等香气。