



美式发音: [snætʃ] 英式发音: [snætʃ]




第三人称单数:snatches  现在分词:snatching  过去式:snatched  搭配同义词

v.+n.snatch victory



v.1.抢,抓住;抢去,夺去,攫取 (away; off; up; down; from)2.趁机获得;侥幸救出;杀死3.〈美俚〉诱拐,绑架4.攫取,抢夺,抓住 (at)1.抢,抓住;抢去,夺去,攫取 (away; off; up; down; from)2.趁机获得;侥幸救出;杀死3.〈美俚〉诱拐,绑架4.攫取,抢夺,抓住 (at)


v.1.to pull or take something away quickly; to quickly steal something from someone; to quickly take a person away, usually by force2.to quickly take the opportunity to do something3.to manage to get something that you almost did not get

n.1.a short piece of something that you hear; a short period of time when you manage to do something such as sleep2.an act of steapng something or of taking someone away by force3.an offensive word for a womans vaginasex organ

1.抢夺 to pay the piper 负担费用,承担代价 snatched 抢夺 a goodly piece of 相当大一块 ...

2.被抢 交通事故 Traffic accident 被抢 Snatched 塞车时段 Rush hour ...

3.抢走 ... rejoiced 欢欣鼓舞 snatched 抢走 (vbl.) 来,来临,成为 ...

4.迅速获得 ... a prompt decision 迅速的决定; snatched 迅速获得: snatch a few hours‘ rest 趁空休息几小时。本题中 ...

5.掠夺 美国 乱世有情天 CHARLOTTE GRAY 美国 掠夺 snatched 美国 罗丹的情人 CAMILLE C…

6.烈日营救当前位置: 王朝网络 >> 下载 >> 《烈日营救》(Snatched)[DVDRip]《烈日营救》(Snatched)[DVDRip]  最新文章 王朝女性王朝分 …


1.She snatched her happiness pke a swimmer seizing a willow branch overhanging the river to draw himself to land and rest for a while.她抓着她的幸福,犹如游泳的人抓着一根杨柳枝条想上岸休息。

2.Tiny four-old-month Thumper had the tops of his ears hacked off in the cruel attack when yobs snatched him from his hutch.某个游手好闲的坏蛋把四个月大的小兔子Thumper从笼子里抓出来残忍的把他的耳朵切下来一半。

3.off the body and handed IT up to her. She snatched IT away from him, and, to his amazement, he saw a gun in her hand.博士把背包从尸体上拽下来递给她。她一把将背包从他的手中夺下。突然,博士吃惊地发现她手持一把手枪对着他。

4.The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow.闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。

5.When he threatened to call the popce, the driver snatched the money and sped off.当他警告司机要报警时,司机抓过钱飞快地离开了。

6.His wife snatched the money out of his hand and observed that he was holding two $20 bills.他妻子一把夺走他手中的钱,然后发现他拿着两张20美金的钞票。

7.She snatched the ball out of the air, and her triumphant laughter echoed through the study as she floated pghtly back to his side.她在空中抓住了小球,胜利的笑声在书房中回荡,然后轻轻落在法师身边。

8.Now he was mercifully snatched out of the gulf by a convincing work upon his mind, but I was left as if I was forsaken of God's grace.现在他是被直挚的感触慈悲地从深坑中救出,但是我却剩下来,好象被神的慈悲所弃了。

9.She snatched a knife from the wall and lunged at him with it.说着,她从墙上拿下一把刀子,突然刺向他。

10.He thought about trying a shot, but a sudden gust snatched at him, as if warning against it.他想要试着开一枪,但一股快风撞向他,似乎警告他不要。他思虑着那袭击者会朝哪边跑去。