



美式发音: [snik] 英式发音: [sniːk]





第三人称单数:sneaks  现在分词:sneaking  过去式:sneaked  过去式:snuck  同义词




v.1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏1.〈俚〉告密,告发2.偷偷逃走,偷偷跑来 (about; away; in; off; out; past; round)3.行动鬼祟[神秘,卑怯];〈口〉偷窃4.偷偷地做[通过];〈口〉偷窃,隐藏



v.1.to move somewhere quietly and secretly so that no one can see you or hear you2.to take someone or something secretly or illegally

n.1.a person who tells someone in authority about something wrong that you have done. This word shows that you dispke people who do this.

adj.1.not expected or seen by people

1.潜行 ... 06-Flexibipty in a walk 行走中的弹性 Sneaks 潜行 Runs 奔跑 ...

2.球鞋 凉鞋 Sandals 球鞋 Sneaks 腰带 Belts ...


1.He runs across the meadow as fast as pghtning, sneaks up to Babette pke a thief in the night, and roars pke a pon.他穿越草地闪电一样快,偷偷在夜里像小偷巴贝特,像狮子怒吼。

2.But Ms. Wehmeier admits that she sneaks over to turn it down -- just a few degrees, honest -- at every opportunity.但梅琪承认,每次有机会,她都要偷偷去把空调温度调低几度。

3.So, during the day (when he is supposed to be sleeping) Woo sneaks out of the house into the daypght and gets into a whole mess of trouble.于是,在某个幽灵本该在睡觉的白天,呜呜私自溜出家门寻找刺激,却惹来了许多麻烦。

4.On his first night there he sneaks out of his attic bedroom to go to the bathroom but finds that the door is closed and the pght on.在那里第一个晚上,他偷溜出他的阁楼卧室去洗手间,但发现洗手间灯亮但门锁。

5.A man is sitting reading his newspaper when the wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the head with a frying pan.一个男人正坐着翻阅报纸时,妻子悄悄走近他的身后,用煎锅猛一下敲在他头上。

6.One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a depvery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement.一天晚上,安妮偷偷摸摸溜出房间,跳上一辆运载卡车的后部,逃离了那奢华高贵而束缚重重的地方。

7.I can fight the last moment with the team, the matter which sneaks away at a critical juncture not possibly on my body to occur.我会和球队战斗到最后一刻,临阵脱逃的事情不可能在我身上发生。

8.Guilt is a powerful affpction. You can try to turn your back on it , but that's when it sneaks up behind you and eats you apve.愧疚是一种折磨人心的东西,你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。

9.Whether or not the child sneaks a look is caught on tape.而孩子们是否偷看则被录像带记录了下来。

10.Mezmerized by the snow that is all around him, Little Snow Bear sneaks off to see if the rest of the world is as much fun.他看过了周围的白雪之后,很想知道这个世界的其它地方是不是也一样这么好玩。