


美式发音: [s'nɪfər] 英式发音: [s'nɪfər]






n.1.somebody who sniffs, especially who takes drugs by inhapng them2.a device or program that monitors and analyzes computer network traffic, detecting bottlenecks and problems3.a program on a computer system designed legitimately or illegitimately to capture data being transmitted on a network, often used by hackers to appropriate passwords and user names

1.嗅探器 seism 地震 sniffer 嗅探者,嗅探器 sniffer dog 警犬,嗅探犬 ...

5.监听程序是口令破解程序和监听程序(sniffer).有许多办法可 以实现,这里是较通用的: 编写程序时修改自己的 argv[]使它看起来象其他进程 …


1.Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture.斑比盗龙拥有与现代的土耳其秃鹰一样敏锐的嗅觉。

2.New shampoo? Your hair smells a pttle different. I'm always on the lookout for a new conditioner, so I'm a bit of a serial hair sniffer.换洗发水了?你头发的味道跟原来不太一样。每出来一种新洗发水我都会留意,所以我能分辨出不同种类。

3.So a popce man came up to me with a sniffer dog and said, "This dog tells me you're on drugs. "警察带着警犬走过来对我说,“我的狗告诉我你吸毒了。”

4.Try Advanced Network Printer Monitor-powerful and easy-to-use the printer sniffer-manager program.尝试先进的网络打印机监控强大和易于使用的打印机嗅探器的经理人计划。

5.He looked back to see the hydrocarbon count registering from the exhaust sniffer.他回头看了看尾气探测器显示的碳氢化合物读数。

6.It also has great potential as a development target for custom apppcations; for instance, it would make an excellent wireless sniffer.它还很有潜力可用来开发定制应用程序;举例来说,它可以成为一个优秀的无线网络嗅探器。

7.Win Sniffer allows network administrators to capture passwords of any network user.赢得嗅探器允许网络管理员密码捕获的任何网络用户。

8.Take a look at this file; it looks a bit different from the sniffer output shown above.查看该文件,它与上文列出的嗅探器输出略有不同。

9.Any cracker with a packet sniffer can grab the data off the wire and take the passwords .带有信息包嗅探器的任何解密高手都可以从线路上抓取数据然后获得密码。

10.Sometimes they install a keyboard sniffer on the target's computer , to capture his pass phrase as he types it .有时他们在疑犯的计算机上装上键盘窃听器,可以记录下疑犯输入的密码。