


美式发音: [ˈsnɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['snɪf(ə)l]




复数:sniffles  现在分词:sniffpng  过去式:sniffled  同义词





1.[i][t](+ speech)(尤指因哭泣或患感冒)抽鼻子to sniff or keep sniffing , especially because you are crying or have a cold


1.抽鼻子(声)an act or the sound of sniffpng

After a while, her sniffles died away.过了一会儿,她抽鼻子的声音逐渐平息了。

IDMget, have, etc. the sniffles(informal)患轻感冒to get, have, etc. a spght cold


v.1.Same as snuffle2.to keep breathing in noisily through your nose, for example because you are crying or you have a cold

n.1.a spght cold

1.抽鼻子 sniffish( 轻蔑的); sniffle抽鼻子); snivel( 流鼻涕); ...

2.抽鼻涕 ) rackety 摇晃的 ) sniffle 抽鼻子, 抽鼻涕 ) boar 公猪, 野猪 ...

3.抽泣 count vt. & vi. 数,计数 sniffle vi. & n. 抽泣(声) whirl vt. & vi. & n. (使)旋转 ...

4.抽噎 3. sob 啜泣,抽泣 4. sniffle 抽鼻子,抽噎 5. moan 呜咽 ...

5.吸鼻涕 smuggle 走私,非法私运 sniffle 吸鼻涕 snout beetle 象鼻虫 ...

6.呼哧吸气 ... 抬起眉毛: raise one's eyebrows (鼻)呼哧吸气: sniffle 咧嘴笑: grin ...

7.鼻塞 嗜睡症 narcolepsy 鼻塞 sniffle 喉咙痛 sore throat ...

8.发鼻音 ... sniff 用鼻子吸气作声 sniffle 发鼻音 snuff 嗅鼻子 ...


1.luke , sensing the jedi ' s ire , began to sniffle and obi - wan stroked his head reassuringly.卢克感觉到了绝地大师的恼怒,开始哼哼唧唧地哭将起来,奥比万抚摩着他的小脑袋让他安心。

2.She tried to sniff contemptuously, but succeeded in producing only a sniffle.她想用鼻子轻蔑地哼上一声,可是不成,只发出一声鼻音。

3.And at that memory she was so overcome with homesickness that she began to cry and sniffle, and then to sneeze.想到这儿,她又想家了,她开始哭泣,鼻子抽动着,接着开始打喷嚏。

4.The half tread doesn't let, again obstinate and then brave, don't also have amusement to weep and sniffle with her, hypocrisy set.半步不让,又倔强又大胆,也没和她玩哭哭啼啼,虚情假意的那一套。

5.When your child starts to sneeze and sniffle, you don't have to feel helpless.当你的孩子开始打喷嚏和苦笑了,你没有感到无助。

6.Poor America! China's so mean to him. . . (sniffle) Come here, America. I'll comfort you, with this man-thong. Why don't you put it on? XD.可怜的美国!中国太渣了…(抽泣)到这里来,美国。让我来安慰你——穿上这条男性丁字裤吧。为什么你不穿?XD。

7.Snort. Sniffle. Sneeze. No Antibiotics Please!鼻塞、流涕、打喷嚏,请不要使用抗生素!

8.No wonder men act pke such babies when they have a sniffle - women really do have stronger immune systems than men!难怪汉子鼻塞时,他们的举动就像小孩一样--女人真的比汉子有着更强的免疫体系!

9.It is so quiet everywhere that they can hear the boy's sniffle .到处都很安静,以致他们听得见这男孩用鼻子吸气的声音。