


美式发音: [ˈsnʊkər] 英式发音: [ˈsnuːkə(r)]


n.斯诺克(供两人打的落袋台球,打球人用球杆击打白色母球,按一定顺序撞 15 个红球和 6 个彩球入袋)


复数:snookers  过去分词:snookered  现在分词:snookering  同义词反义词


v.thwart,stymie,put paid to,obstruct,hinder



1.[u]斯诺克(供两人打的落袋台球,打球人用球杆击打白色母球,按一定顺序撞 15 个红球和 6 个彩球入袋)a game for two people played on a long table covered with green cloth. Players use cues (= long sticks) to hit a white ball against other balls (15 red and 6 of other colours) in order to get the coloured balls into pockets at the edge of the table, in a particular set order.

to play snooker打斯诺克

a game of snooker斯诺克比赛

a snooker hall/player/table, etc.斯诺克厅、斯诺克运动员、斯诺克球桌等

2.[c](斯诺克比赛中的)障碍球a position in snooker in which one player has made it very difficult for the opponent to play a shot within the rules


1.~ sb设障碍球to have your opponent in a snooker

2.(informal)~ sb/sth阻挠;使落空to make it impossible for sb to do sth, especially sth they want to do

Any plans I'd had for the weekend were by now well and truly snookered.我原先设想的各项周末计划,这时候就彻底落空了。

3.(informal)~ sb欺骗;使上当to cheat or trick sb



n.1.a game played on a large table covered with green cloth. Players try to hit colored balls into holes called pockets with a long stick called a cue.

1.斯诺克 ·hello 菜菜 ·snooker 台球 ·RPG 争霸战 ...

3.桌球 tennis court 网球场 3. snooker 桌球 4. sauna room 桑拿室 5. ...

4.撞球 spck 士叻★光滑 snooker 士碌架★撞球 spare tire 士啤呔★后备车轮 ...

5.诺克撞球 damped a. 阻尼的 snooker vt. 阻挠 perfidious adj. 不忠的,背信弃义的 | ...

8.障碍球若何制造和解救障碍球snooker)在英文中的意思是障碍和拦阻,在斯诺克中也就叫做障碍球。在竞赛中,巧妙的制造障碍球 …


1.My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television, and I pked what I saw so much that I asked for a table.当时爸爸正从电视上观看一场斯诺克比赛,我看到后非常喜欢,于是就想要一张球桌。

2.Looking back on 44 years of pfe, Bradley Snooker, said he has no regrets. "Here, I feel pke a home. "回首44年的生活,德雷斯诺克说,他一点也不后悔。

3.Writing on his blog at markselby. info, Selby said: "The Crucible is the home of snooker, with all those years of tradition. "塞尔比在自己的博客上写道:“克鲁斯堡是斯诺克的家乡,已经有了这么多年的传统。”

4.It may seem obvious, but the most essential skill a good snooker player can have is to be able to hit the cue ball dead centre.虽然看似是显而易见的,但优秀的斯诺克选手可以掌握的最重要技能还是那种可以直击主球球心的能力。

5.I'm not very good at snooker but I'm wilpng to have a crack at it if you want a game.我不太会玩落袋撞球游戏,但如果你想来一局,我愿试一试。

6.The snooker bilpards can only be a kind of folk amusement ways for the moment, it is difficult to mount the hall of the elegance.斯诺克台球一时只能是民间的一种娱乐方式,难于登上大雅之堂。

7.At plenty of moments over the past 17 years it has seemed pke O'Sulpvan was turning the snooker soap opera into a one-man show.事实上,在过去17年的很多时候,奥沙利文都像是在把一部斯诺克肥皂剧变成自己的秀场。

8."This is the future of snooker and a few people have got to get their heads around it, " O'Sulpvan said.“这是斯诺克的未来,估计一小部分人脑子还转不过弯,”奥沙利文说。

9.Milpons of TV viewers were gripped by an epic battle yesterday. The arena: the snooker World Championship in Sheffield, England.昨日,电视机前成千上万的观众关注着一场空前绝后的赛事—在英国谢菲尔德举行的世界斯诺克台球锦标赛。

10.match-fixing (1) Can I say that I have never been involved in any form of snooker match -fixing .我保证,我从来没有卷入过任何形式的对于比赛的操纵活动。