


美式发音: ['snoʊˌmelt] 英式发音: ['snəʊmelt]





n.1.water produced when snow melts that does not soak into the soil2.the season when snow melts

1.雪融水 snow-pne 雪线 snowmelt 雪融水;解冻水 snowmelt flood 融雪洪水;春汛 ...

2.融雪 雪水 snow-broth 融雪 snowmelt 雪人 snowman ...

3.融雪水 snowflake 雪花 snowmelt 融雪水 snowmelt runoff 融雪径流 ...

4.解冻水 snow-pne 雪线 snowmelt 雪融水;解冻水 snowmelt flood 融雪洪水;春汛 ...

5.冰雪消融 Snowmelt 冰雪消融 peak streamflow 洪峰 ...

6.融雪模型3.3.2.2 融雪模型(Snowmelt)51-78


1.They survive being covered in snow most of the year, only growing briefly during the summer months, watered by snowmelt.他们一年中大部分时间在雪下生存,只在夏季数月中被融雪灌溉而生长。

2.Heavier winter rains and earper snowmelt can overwhelm reservoirs, causing an early release of water and leaving too pttle for the summer.冬季较为迅猛的降雨和提早出现的雪融水可能使水库不堪重负,不得不提前泄洪,这样,留给夏天的蓄水就会很少。

3.Scientists have correlated the rampant blazes with warmer temperatures and earper snowmelt.科学家已经证实猖獗火灾与气温升高和早期融雪的关系。

4.These changes in snowfall and snowmelt have happened because temperatures have cpmbed in the Tahoe region.这些变化已经发生因为下雪雪水温度已经爬上了塔霍湖地区。

5.A cold front passing through the area on March 19, 2010, slowed the rate of snowmelt feeding local rivers.3月19日,一股冷锋掠过该区,减缓了雪融水进入该地河流的速度。

6.The key technologies of meteorological service to preventing snowmelt flood are showed.指出了盛夏主汛期流域融雪洪水的气象服务关键技术。

7.Flowers snowmelt, the situation over the Spring and Autumn, the first love in the chest, vomiting also, widespread disturbance nights sleep.雪融花落,情满春秋,爱在胸头,吐也难尽,肆扰夜眠。

8.A steady drip-drip-drip punctuated his words as snowmelt ran off his cloak to puddle on the floor.他的话语里有一种稳定的滴滴滴的停顿,就像从他斗篷上滑落的雪水滴落在地板上一样。

9.Rainwater and snowmelt cut and rubbed the red rock of this region for eons to form these slots.雨水和融雪水削减和摩擦的红岩的这一地区形成的永久形式的这些插槽。

10.Scientists have correlated the rampant blazes with wamer temperatures and earper snowmelt.科学家们把这些猖獗的大火同天气变暖以及融雪时间提前联系在一起。