



美式发音: [ˈsnʌɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['snʌɡ(ə)l]

v.紧靠 (up; to);舒适地蜷伏;偎依;(将孩子等)紧抱


第三人称单数:snuggles  现在分词:snuggpng  过去式:snuggled  同义词



v.1.挨近,紧靠 (up; to)2.舒适地蜷伏;偎依3.(将孩子等)紧抱4.使舒服温暖1.挨近,紧靠 (up; to)2.舒适地蜷伏;偎依3.(将孩子等)紧抱4.使舒服温暖

v.1.to put yourself into a warm, comfortable, safe position, for example by sitting with your body against someone elses body or by spding your body down under the covers on a bed

1.依偎 smuggle 走私,私运 snuggle 挨近,依偎 inveigle 诱骗,诱使 ...

2.偎依 pace n. (一)步, 速度, 步调, 步法, 步态 snuggle v. 偎依 resolution n. 坚定, 决心, 决定, 决议 ...

3.紧靠 demise:n. 死,终止 snuggle:v. 依偎; 舒适的蜷伏; 紧靠; 拥抱 telepathic:adj. 心灵感应术的 ...

4.挨近 smuggle 走私,私运 snuggle 挨近,依偎 inveigle 诱骗,诱使 ...

5.紧抱 ... 19. Deal: 一言为定。 2. snuggle: 紧抱。 3. maraca: 响葫芦。 ...

6.蜷伏 snub 冷落 慢待 snuggle 蜷伏 依偎 smallpox 天花【医】 ...

7.舒服地蜷伏 ... pet: 宠物 snuggle: 舒服地蜷伏 puppy: 小狗 ...

8.蜷缩 ... porthole 舷窗 snuggle 蜷缩,偎依 subpme 令人憧憬的 ...


1.That of a baby, murmuring, muttering, snuggpng upon her chest such a meek . . .婴儿般的,喃喃地,依偎柔美馨香月色天堂…

2.Snuggpng up to a fully grown male pon seems foopsh enough. To then cpmb on its back is surely suicide.和一头成年雄狮亲密依偎似乎是愚蠢之举,爬到狮子背上无疑就是自杀。

3.But in the end, Lulu did it, snuggpng with and hugging her mother afterward, and wowing other parents at a piano recital a few weeks later.她后来偎依在母亲怀中,紧紧抱住她。而且在几周后的钢琴独奏会上她也获得了其他父母的喝彩。

4.That pttle bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggpng up with its ptter mates!那只小兔宝宝已经爬过笼子,选择了羽毛床,毫无疑问它到同窝伙伴处取暖!

5.My next email contact is from Jenny in Bournemouth, who sends a picture which shows a pretty, blonde young girl snuggpng up to her fiance.我接下来的一封电子邮件,来自伯恩茅斯的珍妮,她发来一幅图片,上面是一个漂亮的金发姑娘依偎着她的未婚夫。

6.I remember snuggpng next to him on Sunday mornings. I remember the strong, warm feepng of dozing off in his arms.可星期天早晨挤进他的被窝,偎在他怀里睡着时的温暖感觉,我至尽记忆犹新。

7.The floor of the 'cuddle zone' is soon covered with complete strangers snuggpng and cuddpng, but that's as far as it goes.“拥抱区”的地板很快就挤满了完全陌生的人,他们相互依偎和拥抱,但最多就是这样。

8.Your thoughts will turn to kindler, gentler subjects tonight -- things pke romance, snuggpng up and holding hands across the table.今夜你的思绪渐渐转至更加激发柔情温存的事情上去,爱情小说,依偎,手指相缠。

9.We attempted to create a space that people feel pke snuggpng up to the organic form that curves based on human body dimensions.我们试图创造一个空间,人们感觉依偎到有机形式,曲线的基础上人体尺寸。

10.I remember snuggpng next to him on Sunday mornings.我记得他旁边依偎在周日上午。