



美式发音: [sɑb] 英式发音: [sɒb]




过去式:sobbed  第三人称单数:sobs  现在分词:sobbing  同义词




1.[i]抽噎;啜泣;呜咽to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths

I heard a child sobbing loudly.我听见有个孩子在呜呜地哭。

He started to sob uncontrollably.他不由自主地抽噎起来。

2.[t]哭诉;泣诉;抽噎着说to say sth while you are crying

‘I hate him,’ she sobbed.“我恨他。”她抽噎着说。

He sobbed out his troubles.他哭着述说了自己的烦恼。

IDMsob your heart out悲切地哭泣;很伤心地哭泣to cry noisily for a long time because you are very sadn.

1.抽噎(声);啜泣(声);呜咽(声)an act or the sound of sobbing

He gave a deep sob.他发出一声低沉的抽噎声。

Her body was racked(= shaken) with sobs.她哭得身子一抽一抽的。

v.1.抽噎,啜泣;哽咽,呜咽2.(风等)发出呜咽声3.抽噎着说,哭诉 (out)4.哭得使...1.抽噎,啜泣;哽咽,呜咽2.(风等)发出呜咽声3.抽噎着说,哭诉 (out)4.哭得使...


v.1.to cry noisily while taking short breaths

1.啜泣 skipped 轻快地跳 sobbed 啜泣 studied 读书 ...

2.抽噎ppy”和“cried”得知被人嘲笑的姐妹们“感到不幸”“哭了起来”。由此可推断是因为她们“感到痛苦”(felt wretched),才会有人“

3.抽噎,啜泣声,哽咽 ... (sobbed; sobbing)1. 抽噎,啜泣声,哽咽 1. She sobbed out the story of her son's death. 她哭诉着她儿子的死。 ...


1.She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。

2."I know all that, " the child sobbed. "But why did they have to shoot him at his birthday party? "“这些我都知道”孩子抽噎道“但是他们为什么要在它的生日宴会上把它给杀了呢?”

3.That was all she said. If she had sobbed or fainted or begged him, he would probably have given way.那就是她全部的话。如果当时她哭了、晕倒了或是向他求情,他都可能会屈服让步的。

4.She wiped away tears and sobbed as she explained she had had an earper abortion in 2002, and felt that she had made a mistake.她擦着眼泪哽咽着解释,她曾在2002年做过一次人流,她觉得自己犯了滔天大罪。

5.He sobbed and a moment later his wife broke in, saying, 'Darpng, don't be sorry.他哭了一阵,他夫人忽道:‘大哥,你不用伤心。

6.Thomas sobbed in the dock as a recording was played of the 999 call he made just minutes after strangpng his wife.在法庭播放他掐死他妻子几分钟后打给999电话的录音时,坐在被告席上的托马斯在抽泣着。

7.The taxi driver was kind and kept asking me what the matter was, but I only sobbed out: "Please take me home. "司机人很好,一直在问我怎么了,但我只是呜咽着说:“请带我回家。”

8."It is horrible, " sobbed Kimberley. "He has turned me into a freak. I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me. "金柏莉啜泣地说。「他把我变成怪咖。我现在一上街,大家就盯著我。」

9.Mary sank down on the hearth- rug in the wrecked room and sobbed as if her heart would break .玛丽坐在零乱不堪的房间里的炉边地毯上,伤心地哭泣着,好象心都要碎了。

10.I shall tune it to the notes of forever, and when it has sobbed out its last utterance, lay down my silent harp at the feet of the silent.我要调拨我的琴弦,和永恒的乐音合拍,当它呜咽出最后的声音时,就把我静默的琴儿放在静默的脚边。